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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104

Table Of Contents Adding Workflow Fields

Custom Workflows may require additional workflow parameters. This section describes how to configure these parameters and how you can display them in CoreMedia Studio by using the AddTranslationWorkflowPlugin or AddPublicationWorkflowPlugin in your own CoreMedia Blueprint extension.

Adding Workflow Fields to the Workflow Windows

Additional parameters can be added to the workflow window by adding fields to the start, inbox, pending or finished form. You can set your fields anywhere in the WorkflowForm, or use the predefined AdditionalWorkflowFieldsCollapsible. Therefore, each default implementation of the WorkflowForm provides an Array, called additionalFields where you simply place your custom workflowFields.

        <collab:AddTranslationWorkflowPlugin processDefinitionName="Custom_Translation">
        <collab:DefaultTranslationWorkflowInfoForm showTranslationStatus="true">
            <collab:WorkflowTextField key="customVariable" fieldLabel="My Costom variable"/>


A workflow field can display or write any process variables. Therefore, it is also possible to include the values of your custom fields within the workflow validation. You can add any component to the container, that implements the Mixin IAdditionalWorkflowDisplayFieldMixin to display values or IAdditionalWorkflowInputFieldMixin to write values. Also, you can use already existing components like the WorkflowTextField, WorkflowDateField, WorkflowDateTimeField, WorkflowTextDisplayField or WorkflowDateDisplayField to add or display string or date parameters of your custom workflow.

Each additional field needs a unique key. The key needs to match a variable in your workflow definition that you want to display or write. You should also set a fieldLabel to.

In case that you want to use the properties provided by any of the AdditionalFields-Mixin (for example, remoteValidationTrigger), you can only do that after the afterWorkflowFieldInitialized has been called. This method will be called when all properties have been set. Implement this method, if you want to add any event listeners to your WorkflowField. Do not place them in the constructor, as this might lead to unexpected behaviour!

Displaying custom workflow variables

If you want to display variables of your process, you need to provide a field that implements the Mixin IAdditionalWorkflowDisplayFieldMixin. The setValue method will then be called by the workflow framework with the value of the process to set. You can either write that value directly to your Field or modify it.

A field that is added to an inbox form will receive a ValueExpression taskVE that resolves to the current task of the process.

Writing custom workflow variables

If you want to write variables to your process, you need to provide a field that implements the mixin IAdditionalWorkflowDisplayFieldMixin. Values of your IAdditionalWorkflowInputFieldMixin implementation will be written to the process automatically when you press the Start Button of your StartWorkflowWindow. If you want to write variables to a process in a running workflow, you need to call the passed method writeValueToProcessTrigger. This is a function that you can simply call without any parameters. It will trigger a writeAction that writes the value of your field to the process. The workflow framework will then write the value, returned by the getValue method of your Field.

If you want to include your custom field into your workflow validation, please refer to Section, “Studio Client”.

An IAdditionalWorkflowInputFieldMixin will also receive a so called readOnlyValueExpression, which will result to true when the workflow form should be readonly. You can use this expression to also make your Field readonly, in case it should behave like the rest of the WorkflowForm.

The following example shows the WorkflowTextField which can display or write string variables of a process and will be readOnly when the readOnlyValueExpression resolves to true.

          public class WorkflowTextField extends StatefulTextField implements IAdditionalWorkflowInputFieldMixin {

  public function WorkflowTextField(config:WorkflowTextField = null) {
    config.labelSeparator = config.labelSeparator || "";
    config.labelAlign = config.labelAlign || "top";
    config.allowBlank = config.allowBlank || false;

  public function afterWorkflowFieldInitialized():void {
    if (!readOnlyValueExpression) {
    var that:* = this;
    readOnlyValueExpression.addChangeListener(function (ve:ValueExpression):void {

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set readOnlyValueExpression(readOnlyValueExpression:ValueExpression):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set key(key:String):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get key():String;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set taskVE(taskVE:ValueExpression):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get taskVE():ValueExpression;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set remoteValidationTrigger(remoteValidationTrigger:Function):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get remoteValidationTrigger():Function;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set localValidationTrigger(localValidationTrigger:Function):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get localValidationTrigger():Function;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function set writeValueToProcessTrigger(writeValueTrigger:Function):void;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get writeValueToProcessTrigger():Function;

  /** @inheritDoc */
  public native function get readOnlyValueExpression():ValueExpression;


The following types can be passed to the process definition and can therefore be used as field values:

  • Boolean

  • Blob

  • Date

  • Group

  • Integer

  • Link

  • String

  • User

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