

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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You can find context menus in each view of the Site Manager. In this chapter, you will learn how to add a command to a context menu which belongs to a property editor. The steps shown in the next table will add the command to a menu belonging to a link list editor. The name of the menu is "linklist-menu" and your command will be added at the end of the menu.

Step Description
1 Extend the property editor for which you want to add your command
 public class MyLinkListEditor extends GenericLinkListEditor {
2 Overwrite the getComponent method
 public JComponent getComponent() {
3 Call the getComponent method of the parent class to create the default behavior
4 Get the references to the manager components and register your command as described in Section 4.8.1, “Register Commands”.

CommandManager commandMgr = Services.getCommandManager(context);

PopupMenuManager popupMenuMgr = Services.getPopupMenuManager(context);

ListenerManager listenerMgr = Services.getListenerManager(context);

commandMgr.registerCommand("My-Command", new MyCommand());

5 Add a separator and your command to the end of the pop-up menu

popupMenuMgr.addItemAfter("linklist-menu", moveBottomCommand, listenerMgr.createMenuSeparator("Custom"));

popupMenuMgr.addItemAfter("linklist-menu", "Custom", listenerMgr.createPopupMenuItem("My-Command"));

6 Return the JComponent to the Site Manager

return this;


Table 4.10. Add command to context menu

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