

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
Table Of Contents

Copyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2023

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October 11, 2023

1. Preface
1.1. Structure of the Manual
1.2. Audience
1.3. Typographic Conventions
1.4. CoreMedia Services
1.4.1. Registration
1.4.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.4.3. Documentation
1.4.4. CoreMedia Training
1.4.5. CoreMedia Support
1.5. Changelog
2. Site Manager Overview
2.1. The BeanParser
2.2. Description of the CoreMedia editor.dtd
3. Operation and Configuration
3.1. Defining The User Login
3.2. Define the Locale
3.3. Starting the Editor
3.4. Defining XML Files For Configuration
3.5. Defining Group Specific Configuration Files
3.6. Configuration Using coremedia-richtext-1.0.css
3.6.1. Supported CSS Attributes
3.6.2. Extend the coremedia-richtext-1.0.css file
3.6.3. Localize the New Styles and Style Groups
3.6.4. Add to Content Editor
3.7. Configuring the Struct Editor
3.8. Disable Workflow
3.9. Enable Direct Publication
3.10. Define the Browser for Web Extensions
3.11. Enable the Spell Checker
3.12. Troubleshooting
3.12.1. Taking a Thread Dump
4. Programming and Customization
4.1. How To ...
4.1.1. How To Access Arbitrary Resources
4.2. Program Own Initializers
4.3. Program Own Validators
4.4. Program Own Language Resolver Factories
4.5. Program Own PropertyEditors
4.6. Program Own Predicate Classes
4.7. Program Own Renderers
4.8. Program Own Commands
4.8.1. Register Commands
4.8.2. Localize Commands
4.8.3. Add Command to Document View
4.8.4. Add Command to Explorer View
4.8.5. Add Command to Context Menu
4.8.6. Add Action to RichTextPane
4.9. Program Own ResourceNamingFactory Classes
4.10. Localization
4.10.1. Localize the Editor
4.10.2. Localize for Use with WebStart
5. Reference
5.1. Classes Delivered for Site Manager Configuration
5.1.1. Property Editors
5.1.2. View Classes
5.1.3. Predicate Classes
5.1.4. Column Classes
5.1.5. Renderer Classes
5.1.6. Initializer Classes
5.1.7. Validator Classes
5.1.8. Comparator Classes
5.2. Configuration Possibilities in the XML Files
5.2.1. General Configuration
5.2.2. Defining Group Specific Configuration Files
5.2.3. Configuring Document Types
5.2.4. Configuring Document Windows
5.2.5. Configuring Table Views
5.2.6. Configuring the Spell checker
5.2.7. Configuring the Workflow
5.2.8. Configuring Web Extensions
5.2.9. Example Configuration of the Document Overview
5.2.10. Example Configuration of the Document Window
5.3. Configuration Possibilities in
5.4. Configuration Possibilities in
5.5. Configuration of The Site Manager in
5.6. Configuration Possibilities in
5.7. Configuration Possibilities in

List of Tables

1.1. Typographic conventions
1.2. Pictographs
1.3. CoreMedia manuals
1.4. Changes
3.1. Some attributes of the element Editor
3.2. Attributes of element <Locale>
3.3. Attributes of the <ConfigGroup> element
3.4. Attribute of the <Configuration> element
3.5. Attributes of StyleGroup element
3.6. Editor classes
3.7. An attribute of the element Editor
3.8. An attribute of the element Editor
3.9. The attributes of the <WebBrowser> element
3.10. Attribute of the element SpellChecker
4.1. Parameters of the getInitialValue method
4.2. Return values of the getInitialValue method
4.3. Parameters of the validate method
4.4. Default types of the properties
4.5. Parameters of the getLanguageResolver method
4.6. Commands to subclass from
4.7. Register a new command
4.8. Steps to extend GenericDocumentView.
4.9. How to integrate your command into the explorer view
4.10. Add command to context menu
4.11. How to integrate actions into the RichTextPane
5.1. Property editors for the workflow
5.2. Property editors for strings
5.3. Property editors for integers
5.4. Property editors for dates
5.5. Some attributes of the RichTextPane
5.6. Attributes of NewDocumentDialogSettings
5.7. The attribute of the PasteTransformation element
5.8. The attributes of the TransformElement element
5.9. Attributes of the IgnoreElement element
5.10. Attributes of the Attribute element
5.11. Editors for blob fields
5.12. Attributes of NewDocumentDialogSettings and DocumentChooserSettings
5.13. More attributes of NewDocumentDialogSettings
5.14. View classes
5.15. Predicate classes for filtering documents types.
5.16. Predicate classes for filtering folders
5.17. Predicate classes for filtering workflows
5.18. Predicate classes for filtering documents
5.19. Programming own predicates
5.20. Column classes for workflows
5.21. Column classes for predefined columns
5.22. Column classes for user defined document properties
5.23. Implicit properties
5.24. Provided Renderer classes of CoreMedia CAP
5.25. Initializer classes
5.26. Validator classes
5.27. Comparators for document types
5.28. Server-side comparators for sorting rows
5.29. Client-side comparators for sorting rows
5.30. Comparators for sorting folders
5.31. Comparators for sorting workflows
5.32. The attributes of the element Editor
5.33. Attribute of element <AuthenticationFactory>
5.34. Attributes of the DocumentTableLayout element.
5.35. Attributes of element <Locale>
5.36. Attribute of the <Bundle> element
5.37. Attributes of the element Preview
5.38. Attributes of the element Browser
5.39. Attributes of the element RemoteControl
5.40. Parameters of the remote control URI
5.41. Attributes of element <FrameFactory>
5.42. Attribute of element <PropertyModelFactory>
5.43. The attributes of the <ResourceNamingFactory> element
5.44. The attributes of the <WebBrowser> element
5.45. Attributes of the <ConfigGroup> element
5.46. Attribute of the <Configuration> element
5.47. Attribute of the DocumentType element
5.48. Attributes of the <PropertyType> element
5.49. Regular patterns to use with the attribute validPattern
5.50. Attributes of the element <Validator>
5.51. Attributes of the element <Initializer>
5.52. Attribute of the element ModelClass
5.53. Attribute of element <Comparator>
5.54. Attributes of the DocumentTypePredicate element
5.55. Attribute of the Predicate element
5.56. Attributes of the Documents element
5.57. Attributes of element <Document>
5.58. Attributes of element <Property>
5.59. Attributes of element <Tab>
5.60. Attributes of the <Explorer> element
5.61. Attributes of element <Filter>
5.62. Attribute of element <TableDefinition>
5.63. Attributes of element <ColumnDefinition>
5.64. Attributes of element <NamedDocumentVersionComparator>
5.65. Attribute of the <Renderer> element
5.66. Attributes of the <DisplayMap> element
5.67. Attribute of the element SpellChecker
5.68. Attributes of the MainDictionary element
5.69. Attribute of the <CustomDictionary> element
5.70. Attribute of the PropertyLanguageResolverFactory element
5.71. Attribute of element <Process>
5.72. Attribute of the <Task> element
5.73. Attribute of <WorkflowStartup> element
5.74. Attributes of element <Variable>
5.75. Attributes of <AggregationVariable> element
5.76. Attributes of the WebContext element
5.77. Attributes of the <WebExtension> element
5.78. Attributes of the <Pattern> element
5.82. Parameters of the file

List of Examples

2.1. Example of a BeanParser XML file
3.1. Example for the Locale element
3.2. Add files to server.policy
3.3. Add the style group to the editor
3.4. Disabling the workflow in the editor.xml
3.5. Disabling the workflow
3.6. Example of a Spellchecker element
4.1. Integrate Initializer in editor.xml
4.2. Example of an Initializer
4.3. Integrate validator in editor.xml
4.4. Simple customized validator
4.5. Example of a language resolver
4.6. How to integrate a property editor
4.7. Example of a property editor
4.8. How to integrate the Predicate class
4.9. Example of a customized Predicate class
4.10. How to integrate a Renderer in the editor
4.11. Example of a customized Renderer class
4.12. Localize command
4.13. Integrate bundle
4.14. How to integrate into editor.xml
4.15. How to integrate a resource naming factory
4.16. Example of a resource naming factory
5.1. Example for the use of a property editor
5.2. Example of PasteTransformation
5.3. PlainXmlPropertyEditor configuration example
5.4. Example for the configuration of a document view
5.5. Example for the use of a filter
5.6. Example for the use of a column class
5.7. Example for the use of a renderer class
5.8. Example for the use of an initializer
5.9. Example for the use of a validator
5.10. Example for the use of a Comparator
5.11. Example for the Editor element in editor-startup.xml
5.12. Example of the DocumentTableLayout element
5.13. Example for the Locale element
5.14. Example for the Bundle element
5.15. Example for the Preview element
5.16. Example for the Browser element
5.17. Example for the RemoteControl element
5.18. Example of the FrameFactory element
5.19. Example for the PropertyModelFactory element
5.20. Example of the ResourceNamingFactory element
5.21. Example for the DocumentTypes element
5.22. Example of a DocumentType element
5.23. Example of a PropertyType element
5.24. Example of the Validator element.
5.25. Example of the Initializer element
5.26. Element ModelClass
5.27. Example for sorting the offered document types and the folders in the folder view.
5.28. Example for the DocumentTypePredicate element
5.29. Example for the Predicate element used in a Filter element
5.30. Example for the Documents element
5.31. Example for the Document element
5.32. Example for the Property element
5.33. Example for the Tab element
5.34. Example for the Explorer element
5.35. Example for the ResourceChooser element
5.36. Example for the Query element
5.37. Example of the Search element
5.38. Example for the Treesorter element
5.39. Example for the TreeFilter element
5.40. Example for the Filter element
5.41. Example for the TableDefinition element
5.42. Example for the ColumnDefinition element
5.43. Example for the NamedDocumentVersionComparator
5.44. Example for the Renderer element
5.45. Example for the DisplayMap element
5.46. Example of a Spellchecker element
5.47. Example of a MainDictionary element
5.48. Example of a CustomDictionary element
5.49. Example of a PropertyLanguageResolver Factory element
5.50. Example of the Workflow element
5.51. Example for the Processes element
5.52. Example for the Process element
5.53. Example for the Code element
5.54. Example for the Task element
5.55. Example for the WorkflowStartup element
5.56. Example for the Variable element
5.57. Example for the AggregationVariable element
5.58. The query tags
5.59. Example configuration for document type display
5.60. Example configuration for document name display
5.61. Example configuration for the structured text column
5.62. Creation of two filters
5.63. Code example for configuration of the editor
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