

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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Using these elements, for all windows of the Site Manager (except the workflow window) using table views or tree views, it can be configured which properties and how the properties should be shown. The following windows can be configured:

  • Explorer window (element <Explorer>)

  • Query window (element <Query>)

  • Resource chooser window (element <ResourceChooser>)


Child elements: <TreeSorter>?, <TreeFilter>?, <Filter>*, <TableDefinition>

Parent elements: <Editor>

        <Explorer name="configurable-explorer-factory">

Example 5.34. Example for the Explorer element

The explorer configuration which can be chosen via the menu item View|Display is defined within this element of the XML file.

Attribute Description
name Name of the explorer configuration

With this attribute the class used for the appearance of the explorer is chosen. Own classes must implement the interface hox.corem.editor.explorer.ExplorerFactory. As a default, the class hox.corem.editor.generic.ConfigurableExplorerFactory is used, which allows customization.

Another class which can be used is hox.corem.editor.generic.GenericExplorerFactory which shows the behavior known from CoreMedia CAP 3.2. The class is not configurable. See the API documentation for more details.

extendedContextMenu Setting this attribute to "false", you can remove the menu items Check in, Check out and Revoke Check out from the context menu of the Explorer. Default is "true".
combineSortingAndFiltering With this attribute set to "false", separated sorting and filtering of the documents shown in the document overview can be enabled. So it is possible, to use own Comparators with the predefined Predicates. By default, documents may be filtered and sorted in one step on the server. Remote filtering and sorting on the server is much faster than local operations which may slow down the server dramatically. So use local filtering and sorting with care.
keepSelectionFocused Only use this attribute when combineSortingAndFiltering=false. If set to "true", this attribute replaces delete, insert event pairs with "content changed" events in the ExplorerTableResourceListChain. This change allows the Explorer ResourceTable to track entry updates (which it could not when receiving delete and insert events). Therefore, the focus in the document overview of the Explorer Window will not be lost. The default is "true".

Only use this attribute when combineSortingAndFiltering=false. If set to "false", this attribute will instruct the ListSorterImpl to insert (sort) new entries rather than adding them to the end of the entry list which is the existing behavior. Setting this property to false might imply performance degradation on editor and server, so use with care. If keepSelectionFocused is set to "true", you do not need to change the setting of noLocalSortingAfterInsertAndUpdate.

The default is "true".

Table 5.60. Attributes of the <Explorer> element


Child elements: <TreeSorter>?, <TreeFilter>?, <Filter>*, <TableDefinition>

Parent elements: <Editor>


Example 5.35. Example for the ResourceChooser element

Within this element of the XML file, the dialog for selecting an internal link is configured. The element has no attributes.


Child elements: <TableDefinition>

Parent elements: <Editor>


Example 5.36. Example for the Query element

Within this element of the XML file, the document view in the query window is configured. The element has no attributes.


Child elements: <TableDefinition>

Parent element: <Editor>


Example 5.37. Example of the Search element

Within this element of the XML file, the result table of the full-text search is configured. The element has no attributes.


Child elements: <Comparator>

Parent elements: <Explorer>, <ResourceChooser>

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer-factory">

Example 5.38. Example for the Treesorter element

Within this element is defined, how the folder view is sorted. The element has no attributes. If an <Explorer> element contains no <TreeSorter> element, the folders are sorted in alphabetic order. In order to activate an own comparator class, a <TreeSorter> element must occur.


Child elements: <Predicate>

Parent Elements: <Explorer>, <ResourceChooser>

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer-factory">

Example 5.39. Example for the TreeFilter element

Within this element of the XML file, the configuration of the folder view is defined. The element has no attributes. If an <Explorer> element contains no <TreeFilter> element, the folders for which the user has no read rights are left out. In order to activate a filter class, a <TreeFilter> element with the appropriate <Predicate> element must occur.


Child elements: <Predicate>

Parent elements: <Explorer>, <ResourceChooser>

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer-factory">
        <Filter name="deleted-filter">

Example 5.40. Example for the Filter element

Using this element of the XML file, the filters in the explorer window are configured. You will find predefined filter predicates in Section 5.1.3, “Predicate Classes”.

Attribute Description
name Use this attribute to enter the name of the filter. Using this name, the entry for the menu item View|Filters is looked up in the Bundle.
remote Use this attribute to enter whether filtering occurs on the server ("true") or on the client. Filtering on the client must be executed with your own filters. Default is "true". If you use filtering on client side, you have to set the attribute combineSortingAndFiltering of the <Explorer> element to false. Remote filtering and sorting on the server is much faster than local operations which may slow down the server dramatically. So use local filtering with care.

Table 5.61. Attributes of element <Filter>


See the description in "Configuring document types" in this chapter. In contrast to this description, the sub element <DocumentType> can not be used here.


See the description in Section 5.1.8, “Comparator Classes”.


Child elements: <ColumnDefinition>*

Parent elements: <Explorer>, <Query>, <ResourceChooser>, <Workflow>

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer-factory">


Example 5.41. Example for the TableDefinition element

Within this element of the XML file, the columns of the document table view are configured.




This attribute determines the height of a row in the table. The height is given in pixels.

Table 5.62. Attribute of element <TableDefinition>


Child elements: <DisplayMap>*, <Comparator>?, <Renderer>?, <NamedDocumentVersionComparator>?

Parent elements: <TableDefinition>

        <ColumnDefinition class="StringColumn" weigth="1.0">


Example 5.42. Example for the ColumnDefinition element

Using this element, a column in the document table view is defined.

Attribute Description
name Name of the column which is shown in the header of the column.
class This attribute is used for selecting a class for displaying the column (for example IntColumn, StringColumn see Section 5.1.4, “Column Classes” for details). This determines the field type which can be displayed. Furthermore, the class sorts the contents of the column.
width This attribute is used for defining the minimum width of the column in pixels. If the window width is smaller than the total sum of all column widths, a scroll bar appears. Scaling for a larger window is controlled with the attributes weight and resizable. The default value is 100 pixels.
weight This attribute gives the relative weight of a column in the scaling. Rational numbers are entered. The default value for all columns is "1.0".
resizable This attribute is used for defining whether a column is resized at all. The default setting is "true", that is, the column is enlarged. Resizing can be switched off with "false".
searchField This attribute can only be used for column definitions in the <Search> element. Set it to the name of the Search Engine's index field that should be used for sorting. The field must be sortable in the Search Engine, and the Content Feeder must set its value accordingly. You can either use predefined index fields or define custom ones in the index profile of the Search Engine. For the latter case, see the CoreMedia Search Manual how to set custom fields with the Content Feeder.

Table 5.63. Attributes of element <ColumnDefinition>


Child elements: <Comparator>

Parent elements: <ColumnDefinition>

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer" 
  <Filter name="undeleted-filter">
    <Predicate class="UndeletedPredicate"/>

    <ColumnDefinition class="StringColumn" 
      <NamedDocumentVersionComparator remote="false">
        <Comparator class=
      <DisplayMap document="*" property="name_"/>

Example 5.43. Example for the NamedDocumentVersionComparator

This element of the XML file is used to define custom comparators. It defines if a comparator should be used on client or server side. If you combine a client side comparator with a server side filter, the attribute combineSortingAndFiltering of the Explorer element must be "false".

Be aware that combined client and server filtering and sorting may slow down the server dramatically.




Defines whether the comparator should be used on client (false) or server side (true). Default is true.


Name of the comparator

Table 5.64. Attributes of element <NamedDocumentVersionComparator>


Child elements: %varies;

Parent elements: <ColumnDefinition>

<ColumnDefinition class="ImageColumn">
  <Renderer class="ImageLayoutColumnRenderer" width="50" 
  <DisplayMap document="Picture" property="thumbnail"/>

Example 5.44. Example for the Renderer element

This element is used to define a renderer class, which will be used instead of the predefined renderer of the column class (see example). You will find predefined renderer classes in Section 5.1.5, “Renderer Classes”.




The renderer class which should be used to show the content of the column. For own renderer classes, the abstract class hox.corem.editor.toolkit.table.columnrenderer.LayoutColumnRenderer must be extended.

Table 5.65. Attribute of the <Renderer> element


Child elements:

Parent elements:<ColumnDefinition>

<ColumnDefinition name="StringColumn" weight="1.0">
        <DisplayMap document="Bild" property="Name"/>
        <DisplayMap document="*" property="name_"/>

Example 5.45. Example for the DisplayMap element

This element of the XML file is used for entering which field from which document type is displayed in a column of the document view.




Document type from which the field is taken. Content_ can be used as a wildcard for all document types.


Property of the document type which should be displayed. Two types of properties exist for a document. The properties which are defined in the document types file and the predefined properties in all documents like id_ or name_. See the Developer Manual for details.

Table 5.66. Attributes of the <DisplayMap> element

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