

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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Using these elements, the appearance of the document window of the Site Manager can be configured.


Child elements: <Document>*

Parent elements: <Editor>


Example 5.30. Example for the Documents element

This element of the XML file designates the configuration of the document window.




Setting this attribute to "false", you can disable the automatic checkout (start typing in a checked-in document and it will be checked-out automatically) functionality of the Site Manager. Default is "true".

Table 5.56. Attributes of the Documents element


Child elements: <Property>*, <Tab>*

Parent elements: <Documents>

        <Document type="article">

Example 5.31. Example for the Document element

This element of the XML file is used for entering the document type for which the view is defined and the class used for the view.

Attribute Description

Here you can enter the number of versions for which the status icon is shown in the version history of the document window. For example:

<Document type="Link" historyIconCount="3"/>

The following values are possible:

-1: show the icon for all versions (not recommended)

0: show no icons in the version history

n: show icons for the last n versions

Default value is 5

Note: The value should not be chosen greater than 10 otherwise the editor slows down.

type Name of the document type for which the view is configured.
viewClass Here you can enter the class which should be used for displaying the documents. Normally you would not enter anything, and therefore use the default hox.corem.editor.generic.GenericDocumentView. You can use the TabbedDocumentView class for a tabbed view of the properties (see Section 5.1.2, “View Classes” and the description of element Tab below).
compact The order of properties of a document in the CoreMedia Site Manager depends per default (compact=false) on the order defined in the document-types.xml or editor.xml file. If you set compact=true properties which do not use the full window width (int, date) will be shown consecutively.
%varies; This entity stands for further configuration possibilities which depend on the API of the viewClass. The specific configuration possibilities must be obtained from your developers.

Table 5.57. Attributes of element <Document>


Child elements: %varies;

Parent elements: <Document>, <Tab>

<Document type="article">
      <Property name="Author" editorClass="ComboBoxStringEditor">
              <HistoryItem value="TextEditor"/>

Example 5.32. Example for the Property element

This element of the XML file is used for configuring some features of a property in the document window.




This attribute is used for entering the name of the field for configuration.


This attribute determines whether the field is shown. Using "false", the field can be hidden. The default value is "true".


This attribute determines whether the field can be edited. If "false" is entered, the field cannot be edited. The default setting is "true".


This attribute is used for entering the class with which the field is edited.


This entity stands for further configuration possibilities which depend on the API of the editorClass. The specific configuration possibilities must be obtained from your developers.

Table 5.58. Attributes of element <Property>


Child elements: <Property>*

Parent elements: <Document>

        <Document type="article" viewClass="TabbedDocumentView">
                <Tab name="MainData">
                        <Property name="Headline"/>
                        <Property name="Text"/>
                <Tab name="Administration">
                        <Property name="Editor"/>

Example 5.33. Example for the Tab element

This element of the DTD is used to define different tabs for the document view. The properties of a document shown in a tab are configured using the sub element <Property>. <Tab> can only be applied, when the view class TabbedDocumentView is used.




Name of the tab which is shown as the label of the tab.

Table 5.59. Attributes of element <Tab>

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