Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsThe file contains settings for the following points:
user login
logging of the editor
the URL of the XML configuration file of the editor
the URL of the CSS file used for the richtext pane
embedded document view
the number of results from a user or group query in the user manager window
Property | Value | Default | Description |
| example
| With this parameter, the default setting of the user name when login in can be determined. If no value is entered, the login name of the user in the system is used. | |
| example
| With this parameter, the default setting of the password when logging in can be determined. If no value is entered, the user must enter the password. | |
| example
| With this parameter, the default setting of the domain for login can be determined. If no value is entered, the user must enter the domain. If no domain is entered, the user must be an internal user. | |
| true, false
| If this parameter is set to "true", the editor tries to login the user with the "user name" and "password" configured above, without the login dialog box appearing. | |
| <Path relative to $COREM_HOME and name or URL of the XML
startup.configuration file>
| The file defined in this property will be evaluated before login. Thus, if a
user-defined editor class should be used, you must configure this class in the
appropriate XML element of the file defined in
editor.startup.configuration . If you want to change the language of the
login dialog, the locale must be set in this file, too. | |
| <Path relative to <CoreMediaHome> and name or URL of the XML
configuration file>
| The main configuration file of the Site Manager, which will be loaded after
login. As a default, the file properties/corem/editor.xml will be used.
| |
| <Path relative to <CoreMediaHome> and name or URL of the XML
configuration file with wildcard {0}>
| With this property, a group dependent editor.xml file can be
configured. To do so, the wildcard {0} in the URL or path of the configuration file
will be replaced by the group name of the user or by names defined in the
<ConfigGroups> element of the editor-startup.xml
file. If the user belongs to multiple groups, {0} will be replaced by one of these
group names in an arbitrary order. | |
| <Path relative to <CoreMediaHome> and name or URL of the XML
configuration file with wildcard {0}>
| With this property a user dependent editor.xml file can be
configured. To do so, the wildcard {0} in the URL or path of the configuration file
will be replaced by the name of the user. | |
| <Path relative to <CoreMediaHome> and name or URL of the
CSS file>
| With this property the CSS file for the look and feel of the richtext pane is defined. | |
| true, false
| With this property, enable the embedded document view which shows the selected document in the overview window of the CoreMedia Site Manager. The default setting is "false". | |
| integer value
| You can limit the number of users or groups obtained by a query in the user
manager window. You should set it small, as the user manager GUI is not designed to be
used as an LDAP browser. The value must be smaller than the user and group cache sizes
of your CAP server set in the file. The default
value is 490. The size may also be limited by your particular LDAP server (for example Active
Directory: 1500). | |
| true, false
| false | If set to "true", a blob can only be loaded into a blob property when the MIME type of the blob meets the MIME type of the property. If set to "false", the user can decide to load a blob with the required MIME type even if the actual MIME type of the blob is different. |
| true, false
| true | If set to "false", all user related queries in the Query window (such as "Approved by") are restricted to the logged in user. If set to "true", the common user chooser button appears and a specific user can be selected. This property does not affect administration users, they can always choose a specific user. |
| true, false
| true | Show pop-up notifications for content changes ("checkin", "save" and "uncheckout") in opened document, that are performed in a different editor. |
Table 5.79.
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