

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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For localization of texts and names and custom icons shown in the Site Manager defined in the CoreMedia Server, a file following the naming scheme name[_<locale>].properties can be used. It can be located in either class path or a JAR file located in the lib/ directory.

Example for the naming:

German: com/customer/cap/

English: com/customer/cap/

French: com/customer/cap/

The Bundle name com/customer/cap/editor is configured with the Bundle element of the editor-startup.xml.

<Bundle name="com/customer/cap/editor"/>

Within the files, name/value pairs define the localized names. For each object a name and a tooltip text can be configured. The naming scheme is as follows:

<Name of the object defined in the CoreMedia Server>[/<Name of the property>]Label or

<Name of the object>[/<Name of the property>]ToolTip.

The value is the localized name.

If you want to change the embedded labels of the Site Manager (for example a menu item or the label of a button) you need to know the keys of these labels. You will find the keys in the file hox/corem/editor/toolkit/property/ which is located in the cap-editor-resources.jar file of an editor installation.


To localize some German names for use in English language, create a file $COREM_HOME/classes/com/customer/cap/ In order to rename a document type called Bild to Image, define:


To rename the property Piktogramm to Thumbnail and to add a tooltip saying "Preview Image" define:


Bild/PiktogrammToolTip=Preview Image

It can be seen that properties are designated via the preceding document type name and are separated by a slash. Therefore, the names of document types must not contain slashes for proper localization of properties. This file can be stored in a JAR file to make distribution easier.

Adding or Changing Document Type Icons

Out-of-the-box the Site Manager comes with only a few icons for predefined document types (Query, document...). In order to improve the usability of your customized editor, you should add own document type icons. The editor supports icon sizes of 16x16 and 32x32 pixels that are used in different views. The icons can be in GIF and PNG file formats. You have to add the images to your custom properties file using the keys <doctypename>Image for 16x16 icons and <doctypename>TitleImage for 32x32 images. In order to make the icons available, proceed as follows:

  1. Store your icons in a directory, for example com/customer/cap/icons

  2. Add the icon names to your property file using the keys described above.

  3. Pack these directories in a JAR file and put this file into the lib/ directory of your editor installation.

  4. Add the name of the bundle to the editor-startup.xml file.

That's it. The editor will automatically use your new icons.


You already have an file with some customizations of the editor. The file is stored in com/custom/cap and therefore the entry in editor-startup.xml is:

<Bundle name="com/custom/cap/editor"/>

Now you want to add new icons for the Query document and your custom Teaser document. Store the images Query.png, QueryLarge.png, Teaser.png and TeaserLarge.png in the com/custom/cap/icons directory and add the following lines to the file:


At last, you create a JAR file from the files and put it into the lib/ directory of your editor.

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