

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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If you have defined your style groups, you need to add them to the Site Manager. The right place is the editor.xml file using the attribute addStyleSheetGroups of the Property element. The following example shows how to add your newly defined style group inlineformat and the predefined style group list-item to the property RichText of the "Article" document:

  <Document type="Article">
    <Property name="RichText" editorClass="RichTextPane"
     addStyleSheetGroups="inlineformat(inline) list-style(ol,ul) 
        <StyleGroup name="inlineformat" show="button"/>

Example 3.3. Add the style group to the editor

After you have restarted the Content Editor the style group inlineformat will appear in the formatting button of the toolbar and the tab Inline text of the attribute editor and the style group list-style will appear in the List tab of the attribute editor.

The attribute addStyleSheetGroups

As you can see from the example above, multiple style groups can be added to the addStyleSheetGroups attribute, simply separated by blanks. The element names in the brackets are optional. They limit the offering of the style group to the elements in brackets. Therefore, the example style group inline-format will only be offered for inline text but not, for example, for paragraphs and the style group list-style will be offered to bullet and numbered lists. You can use the p, table, tr, td, li, ul, ol, a and img elements of the coremedia-richtext-1.0.dtd file and the additional keywords inline, block or flow.

  • inline: The style group will be offered for all inline elements.

  • block: The style group will be offered for all block elements.

  • flow: The style group will be offered for all elements.

If you use one of these additional keywords, you cannot add any other element or keyword to the style group. For example inline-format(ul,block) is forbidden.

If you want to add a style group for free text you have to add the attribute string or identifier:

  • string: Enter free text.

  • identifier: Enter free text with characters which are valid for very strict CSS identifiers.

freetext:string(inline), for instance

The elements Toolbar and StyleGroup

You can use the elements Toolbar and StyleGroup to configure the appearance of the style groups in the toolbar of the RichTextPane. You can define for each style group,

  • to be displayed as a combo box (default),

  • to be added to the button,

  • not to be shown in the toolbar.

Add the element Toolbar as a child element of the element Property and the element StyleGroup as a child of Toolbar. StyleGroup has the following two attributes:

nameName of the style group to configure.

How to display the style group. The following options exist:

  • button: Add style group elements to the button.

  • combobox: Add as a combo box to the toolbar.

  • false: Do not show style group in toolbar.

Table 3.5. Attributes of StyleGroup element

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