

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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Using these elements, the appearance of the worklist in the workflow window can be configured.


Child elements: <TableDefinition>

Parent elements: <Editor>


Example 5.50. Example of the Workflow element

This element is used to define, which information should be shown in the columns of the workflow list at the left side of the workflow window.


See the description in "Configuring windows with table views".


See the description in "Configuring windows with table views" and in Section 5.1.4, “Column Classes”.


Child elements: <Process>*, <Predicate>?, <Comparator>?

Parent elements: <Editor>

                <Process name="Publication"/>

Example 5.51. Example for the Processes element

This element is used to group the elements which define the view of the workflow variables.


See the description in the section "Configuring document types".


See the description in the section "Configuring document types".


Child elements: <View>?, <Task>*, <WorkflowStartup>?

Parent elements: <Processes>

                <Process name="Publication"/>

Example 5.52. Example for the Process element

This element is used for the configuration of the variable editors for the process variable view (in the <View> element) and for each task (in the <Task> element).

Attribute Description
name Name of the process, for which the view should be configured.
openWorkflowWindow Flag to control whether the workflow window should be opened on process creation. By default, "true" is used.

Table 5.71. Attribute of element <Process>


Child elements: <Variable>*, <AggregationVariable>*

Parent elements: <Process>

<Process name="FourEyesProcess">
           <Variable name="User" editorClass="UserChooserEditor"/>

Example 5.53. Example for the Code element

This element is used to group the elements which define the look of the workflow variables of a process. That is, with which editor the variables defined in the workflow XML file should be shown in the workflow window.


Child elements: <Variable>*, <AggregationVariable>*

Parent elements: <Process>

<Process name="FourEyesProcess">
        <Task name="approve">
                <Variable name="comment" editorClass="StringEditor"/>


Example 5.54. Example for the Task element

This element is used to group the elements which define the look of the variables of a task. That is, with which editor the variables defined in the workflow XML file for the task should be shown in the workflow window.




Name of the task for which the definitions should be valid.

Table 5.72. Attribute of the <Task> element


Child elements:

Parent elements: <Process>

<Process name="MyWorkflow">
        <WorkflowStartup class="MyWorkflowStarter"/>

Example 5.55. Example for the WorkflowStartup element

This element is used to define, how the workflow should be started. That is, how the variables should be filled.




This attribute defines the class which manages the startup of the workflow. Own classes must implement the interface hox.corem.editor.workflow.WorkflowStartup.

As a default, the class hox.corem.editor.generic.GenericWorkflowStartup is used. It sets the resource variable with the selected resource(s) and opens a window for setting the other workflow variables.

Table 5.73. Attribute of <WorkflowStartup> element


Child elements:

Parent elements: <View>, <Task>

<Task name="approve">
       <Variable name="comment" editorClass="StringEditor"/>

Example 5.56. Example for the Variable element

This element is used to define with which editor a workflow variable should be shown in the workflow window.




Editor class to be used for showing the variable. See Section 5.1.1, “Property Editors” for a listing of the editor classes.


Name of the variable to be shown, as defined in the workflow definition.

Table 5.74. Attributes of element <Variable>


Child elements:

Parent elements: <View>, <Task>

        <Task name="approve">
                <AggregationVariable name="Resources" 


Example 5.57. Example for the AggregationVariable element

This element is used to define with which editor a workflow aggregation variable should be shown in the workflow window.




Editor class to be used for showing the variable. See Section, “Workflow Editors” for a listing of the editor classes.


Name of the aggregation variable to be shown, as defined in the workflow definition.

Table 5.75. Attributes of <AggregationVariable> element

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