

Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2304
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The Site Manager offers a lot of formatting options in the RichText pane. Nevertheless, you might want to have your own formatting options ready to hand. For this purpose, it is possible to extend the existing options and to add new ones. To do so, three steps are sufficient that will be described in the subsequent paragraphs:

  1. Extend the file coremedia-richtext-1.0.css to your needs as described in Section 3.6.2, “Extend the coremedia-richtext-1.0.css file”.

  2. Localize the new styles and style groups in a bundle file (optional) as described in Section 3.6.3, “Localize the New Styles and Style Groups”.

  3. Add the new style groups to your Site Manager as described in Section 3.6.4, “Add to Content Editor”.

The formatted inline text or block element will be marked as follows:

  • inline text

  • Inline text will be embedded in the <span> tag with the attribute class containing the format option. Example:

  • <span class="font-size--36">My big text</span>

  • block element

  • Block elements will have an additional class attribute containing the format information. Example:

  • <p class="background-color--black">My test paragraph</p>

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