

Studio User Manual / Version 2304
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If you don't need a content anymore you can either remove it from the website and keep it in your repository or delete it from the repository. If you want to delete a content item from the website, you have to withdraw it first. For details on withdrawal see Section, “Withdrawing Content”.

A deleted file is moved into the CoreMedia recycle bin. Usually, the recycle bin is cleaned on a regular basis. As long as the recycle bin has not been cleaned, you can restore a deleted file.

Icon Name

Table 4.5. Icons for Deletion and Restoring

Deleting Content

In order to delete a not-published content proceed as follows:

  1. Select the content in the Library.

  2. Click the Delete Icon in the toolbar of the Library.


  1. Open the context menu with a right-click on the content and select Delete.

  2. In both cases confirm the warning message that opens up.

The content has been deleted from the production environment.

Restoring Content

In order to restore a content item from the recycle bin proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Library and switch to search mode (see Section 4.3.5, “Navigating in the Library” for more details on search in the Library).

  2. Open the Filters panel and in the Status field only select Deleted.

    All content in the recycle bin is shown. If necessary, you can limit your search as usual.

  3. Select the content item(s) that you want to restore and click the icon or select Restore from the context menu.

    The content item will be restored at its original location, which is shown in the footer of the Library.

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