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Studio User Manual / Version 2304

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4.6.3 Rich Text Editing

In Studio, you can edit fields containing two different types of text: Simple text fields (1), which are used for short descriptions or to specify a language, for example, and rich text fields (3), which are used for full-length articles, or the like.

In simple text fields, you can enter a specific number of characters without formatting. In rich text fields, you have many more possibilities: you can format your text, insert tables, add links to other content items and much more besides. The following subsections show you how you can manage your content in rich text fields.

A simple text field and a rich text field

Figure 4.44. A simple text field and a rich text field

You can use the integrated WYSIWYG editor to edit text in a way that is familiar from other text editors. When editing text, the following options are available to you (2):

  • Undo/redo last editing action

  • Apply paragraph styles tomcat

  • Bold text

  • Italic text

  • Underline

  • Behind the three dot icon menu: strikethrough, subscript, superscript, and inline code

  • Remove format

  • Link

  • Text alignment: left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, or justified

  • Block quote

  • Insert code block

  • Insert table

  • Numbered list

  • Bulleted list

  • Increase or decrease text indents

  • Paste content

  • Find and replace



Internally, rich text is stored as XML. There might be situations, for example, text written in older CoreMedia versions or text imported through external tools, where you have to edit this XML directly. By default, an administrator can switch to an XML view and edit the XML source in this view. See Section 3.7, “Editing Rich Text Source Code” for more details.

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