

Studio User Manual / Version 2304
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This section describes the content types that are part of CoreMedia Blueprint. Table 9.1, “Content types of CoreMedia Blueprint” shows all content types that you can use.

Content Type Aim Description
360°-View Content

A 360°-View content item contains a sequence of images (typically for one product) which can be rotated by a website user to have a view around the product.

Action Layout

Acts as a placeholder in a page for functionality, such as search, log in or registration.

Analytics Event List Analytics

Shows the top-N contents based on the "Event Categorie" and "Event Action" for the given "Analytics Provider". You can also define the "Time Range" and "Max Length".

Analytics Page List Analytics

Shows the top-N contents based on the "Content Type" and "Base Channel" for the given "Analytics Provider". You can also define the "Time Range" and "Max Length".

Article Content

In an Article you will enter the text content of a website but it may also link to images and related content.

Asset Category Asset Management

Defines categories for assets and is used in the Assets Download portal.

Audio Content

In an Audio content item you can store sound.

Augmented Page Commerce

You can use an Augmented Page to include a navigation from the commerce system.

Augmented Category Commerce

You can use an Augmented Category to augment a category from the commerce system> with CoreMedia content.

CategoryCorporate CatalogA Category creates a hierarchy for products.
Collection Content

A Collection groups several other content items that should be displayed together. Query List and Gallery are specific versions of a collection.

CSS Layout

A CSS content item contains CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) definitions, which are linked to a page.

Customer Persona Personalization

A Customer Persona defines the context of a test user for which an editor can preview the site.

Customer Segment Personalization

A Customer Segment content item defines conditions for a customer segment.

Document AssetAsset Management

A Document Asset content item contains the original version of a document asset with the associated rights information, a Word document for example, and renditions of this document for specific channels.

Download Content

A Download content item contains content that can be downloaded by customers, a PDF form for example.

Dynamic Elastic Social List Elastic Social

Email Template Elastic Social

An Email Template contains text that is used for emails that are sent to the user in the context of Elastic Social.

e-Marketing Spot HCL Commerce

You can use an e-Marketing Spot to include an e-Marketing spot from the HCL Commerce Management Center.

External Link Content

An External Link content item contains a link to an external location. It is mostly used as related content on the website.

Folder Properties Navigation

Folder Properties are used to define the context of a Page.

Gallery Content

A Gallery is like a Collection but specialized for images.

HTML Fragment Content

Image Map Content

An Image Map contains an image with hot spots which link to other content.

Interactive Content

An Interactive content item contains interactive content such as Flash files.

JavaScript Layout

A JavaScript content item contains JavaScript code, which is linked to a page.

Layout Variant Content

A Layout Variant content item defines a layout. It is linked to other content items and can be selected in these content items to change layout.

Location Taxonomy

A Location content item holds the information about a location.

Page Layout/Content

A Page content item defines which content is shown at which position of the web page.

Person Content

A Person defines an author of some content, for example of an article.

Personalized Content Personalization

Personalized Content shows predefined content depending on the context of the current user. That is, for example, different content for male and female users.

Personalized Search Personalization

Personalized Search content item selects content depending on the context of the current user. That is, for example, when a user is interested in sports it selects content tagged with sports.

Picture Content

A Picture content item contains an image and some more information about the picture.

Picture Asset Asset Management

A Picture Asset content item contains content the original version of a picture asset with the associated rights information, a Photoshop file for example, and renditions of this image for specific channels.

ProductCorporate CatalogA Product contains information about products of your company. You can order products in categories using the Category type.
Product List Commerce

You can use a Product List to show products from a category filtered by some properties.

Product Teaser Commerce

A Product Teaser links to a product from the commerce system.

Query List Layout/Content

A Query List content items can be used in places, where other content items, such as Articles, are used. The Query List selects content items that fulfill specific conditions and these content items are shown instead of the Query List itself.

Resource BundleLayout

Contains properties for localization.

Settings Layout

A Settings content item contains Struct properties, which configure specific settings.

Site Indicator Navigation

A Site Indicator content item marks the root page in a hierarchy.

Sitemap Navigation

A Site Map content item marks the starting page for a sitemap.

Symbol Layout

Tag Taxonomy

A Tag content item holds the information about a taxonomy key.

Teaser Content

A Teaser content item contains a teaser text and links to a target when you click the teaser.

Technical Image Layout

A Technical Image content item stores an image that can be used, for example, in CSS and JavaScript content items.

Template Set Layout

Is used to upload an archive with FreeMarker templates. This way, you can use new templates without restarting the CAE.
Theme Layout

Contains content (CSS, JavaScript...) for the look of a site.

Video Content

A Video content item contains a video file and some describing text. It is similar to an Article.

Video Asset Asset Management

A Document Asset content item contains content the original version of a video asset with the associated rights information and renditions of this video for specific channels.

Table 9.1. Content types of CoreMedia Blueprint

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