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Release Notes / Version 12.2406.1

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Bundle CoreMedia Studio In-App Guides and Tracking Plugin into Blueprint

Studio-Client and Studio-Server includes a new bundled plugin pendo-tracking-plugin to provide Studio In-App guides together with usage analytics.

This plugin is enabled by default and needs connections to and If you don’t want it in your deployment, you can simple remove the plugin. Please check for more details.


Developing Studio Apps Public API and Documentation

Developing Studio Apps now comes with a public API and a developer documentation. Consult the Studio Developer Manual for details.


Studio Apps Public API Avaliable

Public API for developing custom Studio Apps was introduced. The public API types and functions of each of the following packages are exported by their index.d.ts and consequently can be imported from the top-level of these packages. All imports from these packages that require sub-path imports are not public API.

Developer documentation on developing custom apps will follow shortly.

  • service-agent ^2.1.0

  • @coremedia/

  • @coremedia/studio-client.interaction-services-api

  • @coremedia/studio-client.interaction-services-impl

  • @coremedia/studio-client.content-services-api

  • @coremedia/studio-client.workflow-services-api

  • @coremedia/studio-client.project-services-api


Exclude predefined system users from User Changes App

For predefined system users, the User Changes App does not generate “My Edited Content” anymore. These users are defined via default value of the property userchanges.excluded-user-names=admin, publisher, workflow, importer, translation-workflow-robot. Custom values of this property should be adapted.

The deprecated internal properties userchanges.paths.exclude and userchanges.users.exclude have been removed.


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