

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Elastic Social moderation in CoreMedia Studio has been updated to use CKEditor 5 instead of CKEditor 4.

This change especially includes new CKEditor 5 editor types, that support data backed by BBCode as well as support to managing blocked words to provide hints to editors where comments/review posts contain problematic words or character sequences.

Upgrade Information

Unless you adapted BBCode handling within the various layers (see next section below), no upgrade steps are required. If you adapted any of the layers listed below, please consult our Support Team. They will provide detailed information on the various aspects.

BBCode Support Layers

For alignment of BBCode processing within CoreMedia Content Cloud, the following relevant layers have been adapted:

  • Elastic Social Moderation backed by CKEditor (now CKEditor 5)

  • CAE Delivery backed by KefirBB (with mapping configuration options backed by kefirbb.xml)

  • Contribution to Article backed by BbCodeToCoreMediaRichtextTransformer, that ships with CoreMedia Blueprint.

The BBCode language features officially supported are described in the Elastic Social manual (search for BBCode). The corresponding section has been updated to reflect enhancements like quoted arguments support for the [url] BBCode tag.


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