

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Java 17 is the next Long Term Support version of the Java platform. All components have been updated to work with Java 17. Java 17 is now also required for building the workspace and running the applications, Java 11 will not work anymore. The exception is the studio-client workspace which uses Sencha Cmd to build, which still requires Java 11. Please refer to the release note "Running Sencha Cmd after Java 17 Upgrade" for further details.

Upgrade Information

Update your development and production environments to use Java 17 according to the Supported Platforms information.

Also note that a new Java 17 Base Image is provided that must be used for building Docker images. Refer to for the corresponding 2.1 release and changes associated with it.

The following Maven plugins have been updated:

  • org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to version 3.5.0

  • org.codehaus.gmaven:groovy-maven-plugin to version 2.1.1

If you are using artifact cglib:cglib in your own project code, you may want to consider switching to Spring's shadowed version of cglib provided by org.springframework:spring-core. cglib is not maintained actively any longer and presumably not compatible with Java 17, see The CoreMedia Blueprint workspace has been migrated to Spring's shadowed version of cglib and, consequently, does not define a cglib artifact version any longer. Should you want to migrate use of cglib in your own code, you need to replace package net.sf.cglib with org.springframework.cglib.

For handling of GIFs in the built-in image transformation we make use of the package java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.gif which is not exported and thus not usable with Java 17 by default. To allow access the following JVM argument has to be added: --add-exports java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.gif=ALL-UNNAMED. This argument is already added to the docker images, spring-boot-maven-plugin configuration and the provided Idea run configuration files of the apps that perform image transformation (studio-server, cae, headless-server). If you have a custom deployment process or use GIF transformation in other applications, be aware to add this export.

The Java 17 Base Image is prepared to add other add-exports or add-opens arguments if you need to via env vars JAVA_ADD_EXPORTS and JAVA_ADD_OPENS.


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