

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Make blueprint groupId configurable in ModularOneRepoEnforcerRule

To keep the ModularOneRepoEnforcerRule functional after changing the blueprints groupId, you can now configure new groupId in the rule like this:

<myCustomRule implementation="com.coremedia.maven.enforcer.ModularOneRepoEnforcerRule">

To use this option blueprintGroupId make sure to use version 1.2.2 of the coremedia-enforcer-rules:



Sort-POM-Plugin for Maven updated

The Maven plugin to sort pom files was updated to the most recent version. The old plugin was outdated and had different maven coords. The old maven coords was actually a wrong name for the plugin. The new coords are the same but lates version of the same plugin with new coords. In case, the plugin was used in blueprint extension, be aware, that there may be slightly changed flags, new options and behaviour.


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