

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Added Taxonomy Access Configuration

The "Taxonomy Settings" have been extended so that the visibility of root nodes in the Taxonomy Manager can be configured for different user groups.


New Default Start Workflow Form With Two Column Layout

By default, all start workflow forms (publication as well as localization) now have a new responsive layout. If wide enough (> 800px) it is a two column layout, otherwise it switches back the the classical one column layout.

The public API for workflow customizations that was introduced with CM11 is not affected by this. In that case you define start / running workflow form extensions in a declarative way and do not need to care about the changes.

However, as this CM11 public API still does not cover all customization use cases that were possible with the previous custom workflow API, especially concerning custom fields in the start forms, there are still quite some customizations in the old style in use.

The old start workflow forms still exist (DefaultStartPublicationWorkflowForm, DefaultStartTranslationWorkflowForm, DefaultStartSynchronizationForm). So if you use them in your AddPublicationWorkflowPlugin or AddTranslationWorkflowPlugin, you can keep this up but of course you will not enjoy the benefit of the new responsive layout.

You can simply replace these usages of the old start forms with the new ones. For each of the old forms there exists a new counterpart (DefaultTwoColumnStartPublicationWorkflowForm, DefaultTwoColumnStartTranslationWorkflowForm, DefaultTwoColumnStartSynchronizationForm).

This switch should cause very few problems. All properties of the old forms are also supported by the new forms. If you are just utilizing the "additionalFields" property of the old start forms, you can simply continue to do so. Only if you are using plugins like the AddItemsPlugin or RemoveItemsPlugin to alter the old forms in very specific ways, you will probably have to adapt the plugin usages to the structure of the new forms.

Our built-in workflows now all come with the new start forms. If for some reason, this causes any problems that you cannot fix, you can switch back the old forms. For example, for the two-step publication workflow, you can add this plugin configuration somewhere in the blueprint:

new AddPublicationWorkflowPlugin({
  processDefinitionName: PublicationWorkflowConstants.TWO_STEP_PUBLICATION_WORKFLOW_DEFINITION_NAME,
  nextSelectedTaskProcessVariableName: PublicationWorkflowConstants.NEXT_SELECTED_TASK_PROCESS_VARIABLE_NAME,
  assignmentTasks: ["Approve"],
  startForm: Config(DefaultStartPublicationWorkflowForm),


Fixed Pre-Loading of SiteAwareFeatureUtil

Fixed issue of the SiteAwareFeatureUtil that the pre-loading did only affect the preferred site.


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