

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Upgrade to Solr 9.4.1

Solr has been upgraded to release 9.4.1. See for a list of changes. Alongside, a new coremedia/solr-base Docker image with tag 2.2-cm-9.4.1 was released.

As part of this change, the following transitive dependencies of Apache Solr have been updated to match versions used by Solr:

  • Apache Zookeeper 3.9.1

  • Eclipse Jetty 10.0.19

  • FasterXML Jackson 2.16.1

  • SLF4J 2.0.10 (CMCC 12 2401 only)

Since Solr 9.4.0, configuration of a proxy in communication of clients with Solr via HTTP/2 is possible. To enable a proxy, use these new properties:

  • solr.proxy-host: Proxy host for Solr communication.

  • solr.proxy-port: Proxy port for Solr communication.

  • solr.proxy-is-socks4: SOCKS 4 flag for Solr proxy. Default is false.

  • solr.proxy-is-secure: Secure flag for Solr proxy. Default is false.

Leaving solr.proxy-host or solr.proxy-port unset, disables proxy configuration and lets the clients communicate with Solr directly. Environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY are not evaluated and thus have no effect.


Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies

Apache Tika has been updated to version 3.0.0-BETA. As part of this change, the following transitive dependencies of Apache Tika have been updated to match versions used by Tika.

Updated dependencies:

  • Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0

  • Apache Commons Compress 1.25.0

  • Apache Commons Lang3 3.14.0

  • Apache Commons IO 2.13.0

  • Apache Log4J API 2.21.1

  • Apache PDFBox 3.0.1

  • Apache POI 5.2.5

  • Apache Tika 3.0.0-BETA

  • Apache XMLBeans 5.2.0

  • ASM 9.6

  • Drew Noakes Metadata Extractor 2.19.0

  • FasterXML Jackson 2.16.1

  • Glassfish JAXB 4.0.4

  • Jakarta Bind API 4.0.1

  • Rome 2.1.0

If you use these libraries in project code, please check their respective release notes for changes and upgrade information.


Updated Maven dependencies and plugins

Updated several dependency and plugin versions.

The following plugins and dependencies have been updated:


--bloburl option for serverexport and serverimport

serverimport and serverexport support the - bloburl option now, which allows to store blobs under an HTTP URL. This keeps the blobs out of the exported set of files, so that it becomes smaller and easier to handle. See the contentserver manual and the usage output for details. The -bloburl option has been a hidden feature for a while, and on popular demand we support it publicly now.


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