Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
Table Of ContentsUpdated Maven dependencies and plugins
Updated several dependency and plugin versions.
The following plugins and dependencies have been updated:
CoreMedia Adapter for Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C → 3.0.10
Bouncy Castle Java → 1.79
Byte Buddy → 1.15.10
Commons Lang → 3.17.0
Enterprise Security API →
Error Prone → 2.36.0
Google API Common for Java → 2.41.0
Google API Extensions for Java → 2.58.0
Google Auth Library for Java → 1.30.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java → 1.45.1
gRPC-Java → 1.68.2
Guava → 33.3.1-jre
Mockito → 5.14.2
Micrometer → 1.14.1
Netty → 4.1.115.Final
Protocol Buffers for Java → 4.29.0
Reactor Project BOM → 2024.0.0
Spring Boot → 3.4.0
Spring Data BOM → 2024.1.0
Spring Framework → 6.2.0
Spring for GraphQL → 1.3.3
Spring Security → 6.4.1
Spring Webflow → 3.0.1
Tomcat → 10.1.33