

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Update to Jakarta Activation 2.1 (Jakarta EE 10) to avoid dependency conflicts


CVE-2023-46589 - tomcat-embed-core-10.1.15.jar


CVE-2023-6481 - ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.4.12


Updated bouncycastle dependencies

org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on and org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk18on have been updated to version 1.77. Also, dependency management for org.bouncycastle:bcjmail-jdk18on has been added. All of these dependencies are now managed in com.coremedia.cms:common-thirdparty-bom (org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk18on was previously managed in com.coremedia.cms:middle-thirdparty-bom).


Refactoring of Internal MBeanRegistry class

The internal class com.coremedia.jmx.DefaultMBeanRegistry was refactored. As a consequence, the properties generateUniqueName and unregister of bean mbeanRegistry can no longer be customized. The internal properties management.mbeans.generate-unique-name and management.mbeans.unregister can be used instead. Note that this is only relevant for projects using a custom WAR deployment and pre-installed servlet containers.


Performance Improvement for LdapUserProvider

A recent bugfix caused a performance degradation of the LdapUserProvider. This has been fixed now.


Restored Missing Solr JMX MBeans

Fixed a bug that Solr metrics starting with "solr.jetty", "solr.jvm", and "solr.node" were missing as JMX Mbeans with Solr 9. These metrics have been re-enabled now in the solr.xml configuration file.


Fixed "Add Link Entry" Button in Struct Editor

The "Add Link" button in the struct editor was enabled for link list properties. Since no empty link values are allowed, clicking the button has no effect. Therefore, it is disabled now for link list item properties.


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