

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Support for Blobs Larger Than 2GB

The CMS now supports blobs larger than 2GB (henceforth called “huge blobs”) on external media stores. Huge blobs can be up- and downloaded via UAPI clients, serverimport/serverexport, and Studio. They can also be delivered via CAE and Headless Server.

Follow Section, “Support for Blobs Larger Than 2GB” for upgrade information.


TransformImageServiceConfiguration no Longer Activates Blob Transformation Beans

Spring configuration class com.coremedia.cap.transform.TransformImageServiceConfiguration of module com.coremedia.cms:cap-transform no longer imports com.coremedia.cap.transform.BlobTransformerConfiguration. This makes it possible to create application contexts that provide access to the transformImageService bean without actually activating all the beans necessary for blob transformation. Such application contexts are the ones of feeder applications, for example. Class com.coremedia.cap.transform.BlobTransformerAutoConfiguration has been deleted along with this change. The Spring XML configuration resources framework/spring/mediatransform.xml of Blueprint shared/middle module image-transformation and com/coremedia/cap/transform/transform-services.xml of module com.coremedia.cms:cap-transform have also been removed. Use TransformImageServiceConfiguration instead.


Default of publisher.autoextend.latest-approved-version has been changed to true

Automatic extension of publication sets will now by default use the latest approved version of referenced content items instead of their earliest approved version.

Follow Section, “Default of publisher.autoextend.latest-approved-version has been changed to true” for upgrade information.


Update of MongoDB driver to 4.11.1

The thirdparty dependencies org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-legacy, org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-core and org.mongodb:bson have been updated from version 4.8.2 to 4.11.1. This is marked as a breaking change, because custom implementations can potentially use changed API of the MongoDB driver.


MongoDB update to version 7.0.5

MongoDB has been updated to version 7.0.5 for the Docker Deployment. Note that an upgrade is only possible from a 6.0.x version. An upgrade from an earlier version needs to be done successively. Please refer to the official MongoDB documentation on how to upgrade: The compatibility changes are described here:


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