

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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APPLICATION_OPTS Removed from Base Image

Starting with coremedia/java-application-base:2.1-cm-17.* the environment variable toggle APPLICATION_OPTS has been removed from the base image, please use _JAVA_OPTIONS instead as intended by the JVM.


Volume definitions Moved to Application Module or Deployment

Starting with coremedia/java-application-base:2.1-cm-17.* the base image only defines the new default for, /tmp as a volume. Volumes should be defined in the deployment code matching the configured paths for ephemeral and persistent state paths.

This change is one of many to consolidate the image creation to make the containers immutable with a readonly rootfs.


The coremedia/java-application-base image is now Corretto JRE by default

The coremedia/java-application-base image now also provides a JRE based Corretto image. The image tag suffix is corretto-jre. If there are Java modules missing for your use case, there is still the JDK based image with the suffix corretto-jdk or the Eclipse Temurin based images with the prefixes temurin-jre or temurin-jdk.


Switch from /var/tmp to /tmp as the default path

The coremedia/java-application-base images starting with 2.1-cm-17.* will no longer set to /var/tmp by default but instead to /tmp to match the default used in most JVM frameworks like Apache Tomcat uses it for its root dir when embedded in Spring Boot applications. This is a consolidation to make CoreMedia container based applications easier to configure when securing it to have a readonly rootfs.


Prometheus jmx-exporter Agent Disabled by default

Please use the Spring Boot Prometheus actuator endpoint to scrape metrics instead. You can still enable the exporter using PROMETHEUS=true but you also need to expose the 8199 port for the prometheus service discovery.

Follow Section, “Prometheus jmx-exporter Agent Disabled by default” for upgrade information.


SPRING_BOOT_EXPLODED_APP Removed from Base Image

Starting with coremedia/java-application-base:2.1-cm-17.* the environment variable toggle SPRING_BOOT_EXPLODED_APP has been removed from the base image. Images build using Google Jib Maven plugin are always exploded, making this toggle obsolete.


The environment variable SPRING_PROFILES has been removed from the base image and the compose setup

Starting with coremedia/java-application-base:2.1-cm-17.*, using the environment variable SPRING_PROFILES is deprecated. It will still work but you should migrate and use the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.


coremedia/java-application-base is now based on amazonlinux:2023

Starting with coremedia/java-application-base:2.1-cm-17* the image is based on


Port 8199 Removed from the Exposed Ports by Default

Only in case the container exposes the jmx-exporter metrics endpoint by setting PROMETHEUS=true, the container should expose the port. Because the jmx-exporter is now disabled by default, this port has been removed from the expose list, so it does not get accidentially scraped by prometheus.

Follow Section, “Port 8199 Removed from the Exposed Ports by Default” for upgrade information.


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