

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Lower severity for new PublishedNavigationTreeValidator issue

The new PublishedNavigationTreeValidator checks if a navigation node that will be moved from one parent to another might be still linked from the old parent (a common issue). The warn issue that was added was also displayed in the Publication Workflow window, even if the editor has done everything right (adding the old and the new parent node to the publication set according to the issue text). That could be confusing. That is why we have lowered the level to INFO.


Fixed a Bug Where CKEditor 5 Did Not Notice Changes

We fixed a bug where the CKEditor 5 did not notice changes made to the rich text. Consequently, the "checked out" state of the underlying content item was not entered and nothing got written back to the server. What's worse, this problem would sometimes go unnoticed by editors who just published the content item alongside others and were not aware of the fact that all their changes for the content item got lost.

This problem only happened in combination with Studio tab reuse.


Fixed Taxonomy Suggestions

Taxonomy contents located in unreadable folders are not tried to be evaluated for suggestions anymore.


The logging of the class org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer is muted

The class org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer logs - on the debug level - all requests to the Studio Server. To prevent the logging of sensitive information the logging of the class is per default muted. You have to set the log level of the class explicitly to debug to reverse the default.


Bookmarks reordering fixed

Now the drag & dropping of bookmarks works properly even when the list is long and the scroll bar is present.


Fixed Taxonomy Renaming

Fixed issue that a taxonomy document was automatically renamed when users with different Studio languages accessing it via Taxonomy Mananger.


Fixed Taxonomy Renaming with Double Quotes

Added missing HTML escaping for taxonomy nodes.


Added Site Id Validator

Added site id validator which ensures that when a new site is created or an copied, the id is unique.


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