Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2310
Table Of ContentsFor a CMSelectionRules content item the following properties can be retrieved:
- defaultContent: The default content
- rules: The rules, each rule consists of
- rule: The parsed rule as String.
Referenced content is resolved as [type.]content:1234, for example, locationTaxonomies.content:1144.
Referenced CMSegment content items are resolved inline by applying the conditions. For example,
is replaced with(subjectTaxonomies.content:1374>0.85 and socialuser.gender=female)=true
.The "and" operator has a higher precedence that the "or" operator.
- target: The target content
- referencedContent: A list of content that is referenced in the rule.
- rule: The parsed rule as String.
Query to retrieve a CMSelectionRules content item:
{ content { content(id: "1234") { ... on CMSelectionRules { id name rules { rule target { id } referencedContent { id } } defaultContent { id } } } } }
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