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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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CoreMedia Commerce Hub

Support for SAP Commerce 1905

Formerly CoreMedia used the Platform Web Services REST API to integrate with SAP Commerce. Since SAP deprecated and removed the Platform Web Services API in version 1811, CoreMedia now integrates with SAP Commerce 1905 via the OCC Web Services.

Follow Section, “Support for SAP Commerce 1905” for upgrade information.


link.storefront-url property renamed to

The link.storefront-url property is renamed for the SFCC commerce adapter. Its now prefixed with "sfcc." as any other Salesforce properties. If your salesforce adapeter is already deployed change the deployment a set the "SFCC_LINK_STOREFRONT_URL" property instead of "LINK_STOREFRONT_URL".


PreviewUrlService API changes

Livecontext PreviewUrlService#getExternalPageNonSeoUrl no longer has a default implementation. The return type changed from Optional<UriComponents> to UriComponents .


Site ID parameter removed from CatalogAliasTranslationService methods

Those methods of com.coremedia.blueprint.base.livecontext.ecommerce.common.CatalogAliasTranslationService that took both the store context and the site ID parameters were simplified so that only the store context parameter remains. The site ID is derived from the store context internally.


e-Marketing Spots Aurora Augmentation

All e-Marketing spots in Aurora Augmentation demo content have been removed as the site is now using Commerce Hub by default, which does not support e-Marketing spots. If you need e-Marketing spots to work like in earlier releases, have a look at Aurora B2B or Calista. They are still using the legacy, non-Commerce-Hub integration which still supports e-Marketing spots.


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