

Release Notes / Version 10.2101
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Refresh an external source via the "Refresh Button" that is shown in the library

Within the toolbar in the library, you can find a refresh button that will refresh the external Content Hub source on click.


Feedback Hub: Connect external systems that provide keywords for CoreMedia Content.

With FeedbackHub, CoreMedia offers the possibility to provide feedback for CoreMedia content. Currently, the Feedback Hub supports Validators and the Keywords Integration. The Keywords integration allows to connect external systems to Feedback Hub that provide keywords.

Also the Jobs framework was extended. It now offers the possibility to perform nonblocking asynchronous execution and can therefore handle CompletableFuture as a response Object. Should the return value of a job be of type CompletableFuture, the jobs framework will return the result as job result to the client when it became available.


Content Hub offers two default adapters for Youtube and RSS connections

The Content Hub adapters for Youtube and RSS are defined within the blueprint-extension of the studio-server app. They can be used as reference implementations for further adapters with other external systems.


Upload Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The editorial user can push content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Initially we support the push of string, richtext (as plaintext) and image blob content property.

Consult the studio user manual in section "Upload Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud" how to use the feature as editor user.

Consult the blueprint manual in section "Upload Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud" how to enable and configure the feature.


Fixed single choice configuration for ViewTypeSelectorForm

Fixed 'hideForSingleChoice' flag which was always 'true'.


Introduced Feedback Hub

Errors and warnings are displayed in the introduced Feedback Hub window.


Content Hub offers the possibility to browse external sources and create Content

The Content Hub offers the possibility to browse external systems like Youtube or RSS within the CoreMedia library. Also it is possible to create CoreMedia Content from an external system. You may also define your own adapters for other external systems. An instruction how to use the new Content Hub and how to define new Adapters for it, can be found in the "Studio Manual" in section "Content Hub"


Content Hub

Contents derived from external objects need a reference to their origin. Therefore, we introduced a new observed property foreignId to CMObject. The content server can handle this change automatically, so there are no migration efforts. If you do not use the content hub in your project, you can spare the foreignId property. Simply delete the file foreignid-doctypes.xml in the Blueprint.


Added Document Type Name to Workarea Tab Tooltip

To provider a better quick-info of opened tabs, the tooltip of a workarea tab shows the content type now too.


Added 'autoCheckin' Option for Upload Settings

The automatic checkin of uploads is now configurable via settings, setting the boolean property 'autoCheckin' in the UploadSettings document.


Colorful Content Type Representation in Studio

A more colorful representation of various Studio components can be enabled to make it easier to distinguish between different content types. If enabled, different contents in tabs, lists, menus and in the library will be displayed in color groups. This feature can be enabled in the preferences window.


Added new Jobs-API for Uploads

The upload progress dialog has been replaced by the new jobs window. Since all jobs provide custom success handles, the existing 'openInTab' checkbox has been removed from the upload dialog, since created documents can now be opened via the job result window.


Flexible sorting of folders in Studio library

Studio users can now choose between keeping the folders always on top in the Studio library or sorting them in the same way as any other content type. Go to the user preferences to configure this behavior.


Make recursion depth to complete publication change set configurable in Studio

If the Studio server log contains the error 'Maximum number of iterations to extend the publication set exceeded', you can know configure a maximum number bigger than the default value 10 using the property in the Studio REST server.


Support for Studio Client Error Tracking

Studio client errors (JavaScript errors) are now logged to the server. The preconfigured log level is 'ERROR' and can be changed in the user preferences. Additionally, the user can enable a button with a issue counter and provides a dialog that contains the last log messages that have been sent to the server.


Jobs Framework

The Jobs Framework provides means of registering processes to a central job service instance. These processes can then provide information about their status and progress to be collected in one defined place in Studio. This can give the editor feedback about what is going on in the background while continuing working in Studio as usual.

Please consult the Studio Developer Manual for further information.


TextFieldContainer with new config parameters to modify text field value

The two config options propertyVETransformer and propertyVEReverseTransformer were added to the class com.coremedia.ui.components.TextFieldContainer to allow property value manipulation, e.g. to replace a character like a soft hyphen ('\u00ad') with another character like a tilde ('~'). The two options are used by the BindPropertyPlugin configured for the text field inside the container class.


Richtext Editor: Default Address for External Link Dialog can now be customized

The default value for the address field in "Create an External Link" dialog ( Dialog_cmlink ) of the RichtextPropertyField can now be customized by overriding the cmlink_defaultUrlPrefix key of the resource bundle . Before the change it was hard coded to "http://".


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