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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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CoreMedia Studio

Studio Link Suggestions Exclude Deleted Content

Fixed a bug that deleted content appeared in the list of suggested contents for a link list field in Studio. Deleted content is excluded now.


Fixed Creation of Taxonomy Root Nodes

Fixed issue where root nodes of type 'CMLocTaxonomy' have been created as 'CMTaxonomy' documents.


Fixed Accidental Bookmark Deletion

Fixed issue where bookmarks have been deleted when the Studio tab is closed before they have been loaded.


Fixed Library Dragging Issue

Fixed the possibility to move the Studio library out of the browser window.


Fixed TooManySeachResultsException

The given exception has been raised when Studio's user manager is working on a large amount of users or groups. We have introduced the new Spring property studio.usermanager.minSearchCharacters which determines the amount of characters to input until a search request against the user provider is triggered. The default value is 0 , which means that all users and groups are lazy loaded by the Studio, therefore also requested by the user provider.


Fixed recursion in ReplaceItemsPlugin

Setting recursive="true" in the ReplaceItemsPlugin was broken and has been fixed. However we do not recommend to use the recursive flag. Instead use the NestedRulesPlugin for deeper replacements.


Search Results

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