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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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ORB configuration

Since Java 11 does not contain a Corba ORB any longer, we switched to the Glassfish ORB. The Glassfish ORB originates from the same code base and is mostly compatible with the ORB included in Java 8. However, some things have changed (esp. property names), and since we could not avoid some breaking changes anyway, we seized the opportunity for some renovation of our Corba features:

  • SSL communication

  • Redirection

  • Single IP sockets

  • Disabling server sockets

There have been particular socket factories which implemented these features, and which had to be configured by the system property . This has changed completely. We switched from the to the modern . You can configure an ORBSocketFactory by the system property - but you do not need to! Our new default ORBSocketFactory implementation supports all the features and can be controlled merely by Spring configuration properties.

For details see section "Communication between the System Applications" in the Operations Basics manual.

The Glassfish ORB needs more memory than the Java 8 ORB. Therefore, we increased the maximum heap sizes of most command line tools to 96 MB.


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