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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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CoreMedia Headless Server

GraphQL REST Mapper non blueprint now

The GraphQL via REST Mapper was moved to non public code (headless-server.web). The corresponding controller (GraphQLRestMappingController) can be disabled with the configuration property 'caas.graphql-restmapping-controller.enabled' set to 'false'. All configuration resources were moved to 'blueprint/modules/headless-server/headless-server-base/src/main/resources', maintaing the same filenames and folderstructure.


Comments in rest request mappings properties files and ignoring empty lines

There have been some changes to the way the properties files for the REST Request Mapping are parsed:

Follow Section, “Comments in rest request mappings properties files and ignoring empty lines” for upgrade information.


Added new types and fields to the schema

Fields added:

Follow Section, “Added new types and fields to the schema” for upgrade information.


An update of graphql-java from version 11 to the current version 14

There were various changes in the GraphQL-Java API, some affected us directly:

Follow Section, “An update of graphql-java from version 11 to the current version 14” for upgrade information.


For norming reasons some configuration properties have been renamed:

Follow Section, “Missing title” for upgrade information.


Product lists utilize offset correctly and support paging

The offset property which can be defined in the content, e.g. in Studio now is only applied to the Products and works as a sort of search filter.

Follow Section, “Product lists utilize offset correctly and support paging” for upgrade information.


Search Results

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