Release Notes / Version 10.2101
Table Of ContentsThe release contains:
- Breaking changes: 2
- Changes and improvements: 18
- Bugfixes: 17
Only issues which contain release notes are shown in this document. So, the numbers in the list above can be higher than the number of issues presented in the subsections.
Breaking Changes
Changes and Improvements
CMS-19202: Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies
CMS-18871: Runlevel based health indicator added to the content-server application
CMS-18578: Runlevel actuator endpoint added
CMS-19195: Cache-Control strategy can use full request paths
CMS-18954: Configure CORS allowed origins with Studio host for preview CAE
CMS-18550: Display number of folder items in library for folders with less than 50 items
CMS-19197: Third-Party Update: Netty
CMS-18823: Fixed CAE Feeder Application Start Delay
CMS-18759: User Changes MongoDB Performance
CMS-18619: XML Importer
CMS-18530: Fixed Solr hostname and port disclosure with malicious REST request
CMS-18230: Replicator state health indicator added to the Replication Servers
CMS-18988: CapBlobHandlerTest doesn't fail even if mediatransform.xml is populated
CMS-19079: "Content Creation" settings not always taken into account for "Create New Content" Dialog
CMS-19037: Fixed Startup Of Studio Packages Proxy App
CMS-15845: Fixed calculation of cardinality in ContentLinkListWrapper
CMS-12955: Ordered and unordered list can be both selected in richtext toolbar (overflow menu)
CMS-19243: Cache Buster is once again only applied for GET requests
CMS-19133: Fixed type error when aborting a workflow
CMS-19014: Library no longer creates new folder when changing directories
CMS-19005: Fixed QuickCreate Dialog Error
CMS-18945: Embedded Blobs in RichText: Fixed Race-Condition Regarding Lock-Symbol
CMS-18926: Pagegrid Editor shows no parent although a parent exists
CMS-18899: Custom RichText Style Classes: Fixed Possible Button-State Problems
CMS-18793: Fixed Disabled ComboBox And Checkout On Tab Reuse
CMS-18792: Fixed Non-Disappearing LoadMask on Studio Tab Reuse
CMS-18785: The Studio Tab Reuse Default Limit Can Now be Overriden in Studio Plugins
CMS-18673: Columns of the user grid can now be resized
CMS-17407: Fixed error when trying to republish a withdrawn folder
CMS-16737: Fixed endless loop bug when opening the Studio library
CMS-19119: Fix StackoverflowError in Studio Server when starting sync workflow
CMS-18987: Fixed Taxonomy Renaming
CMS-19020: Usage of legacy theme descriptor no longer causes error in theme build
CMS-18840: Replacing deprecated configuration of Spring Boot
CMS-18789: Fixed suppression of gRPC exceptions and prevented empty cache objects in catalog service
CMS-19073: SchemaParser ignores type extensions for inherited types
CMS-18966: Cache eviction problem fixed in PageByPathAdapter
CMS-19250: Third-Party Update: Jetty
CMS-19098: Third-Party Update: Spring Security
CMS-19082: Third-Party Update: Tomcat
CMS-19077: Update of MongoDB Java Driver
CMS-18848: Maven Plugin Versions
CMS-18825: Fixed bug that required exact case in LDAP user name for login
CMS-18794: Third-Party Update: Checker Framework