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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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CoreMedia Connector for HCL Commerce

Added configurable custom attributes to commerce hub commerce beans

Commerce Hub Commerce Beans now expose custom attributes if they are added to the entities on the commerce adapter side. This is currently only supported by the Salesforce Commerce Cloud adapter. JSON attributes can be obtained from the commerce bean via ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttributes() as nested map, or via ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttributes(Class<T>) and ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttribute(String, Class<T>) as an object. Deserialization is performed internally using an com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper if the commerce adapter configures metadata.custom-attributes-format=JSON .


Deprecate obsolete base classes in LiveContext test modules

With the introduction of the Commerce Hub, the connections to commerce systems have been moved away from the central CMS services to the commerce adapters. With CMCC 11, all legacy LiveContext extensions (those, that don't use the commerce adapters) will be removed along with their base test classes, hence they are now deprecated.


Deprecated Hoverfly extension classes in LiveContext test modules

With the introduction of the Commerce Hub, the connections to commerce systems have been moved away from the central CMS services to the commerce adapters. The tests that require commerce connections (whose requests and responses can be recorded and replayed with Hoverfly) have been moved, too, making the Hoverfly extension classes in LiveContext test modules obsolete. They will be removed with CMCC 11 and thus are now deprecated.


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