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Release Notes / Version 10.2101

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Spring ConfigurationProperties for UserProvider

Spring ConfigurationProperties for UserProvider

Follow Section, “Spring ConfigurationProperties for UserProvider” for upgrade information.


Removed default image transformations

Since the first release of CoreMedia Content Cloud, TransformImageService.getTransformations() adds a fallback configuration (defined in Spring configuration mediatransform.xml ) to the list of available transformations. If an image transformation is not defined in the responsiveImageSettings settings content of the site then the corresponding default is applied. The mediatransform.xml included some default image transformations, which were overwritten in the Blueprint Demo sites. However, these defaults apply to new sites too even if these sites use completely different crops. This could lead to undesired results and for this reason we removed the default image transformations in mediatransform.xml .

Follow Section, “Removed default image transformations” for upgrade information.


Global image variants will be loaded when no site is available

The TransformImageService didn't find any image variant in the content repository if no site for the given content can be resolved. To resolve the global image variants as a fallback the interface VariantsStructResolver has been extended by the method getGlobalVariants() which returns the global variants from "/Settings/Options/Settings/Responsive Image Settings" .


Update Maven-Surefire-/Failsafe-Plugin to 3.0.0-M5 and test libraries

maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin have been updated to 3.0.0-M5. This fixed a bug, that tests which failed within the setup phase of a test instance were not marked as failed.

Follow Section, “Update Maven-Surefire-/Failsafe-Plugin to 3.0.0-M5 and test libraries” for upgrade information.


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