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Studio User Manual / Version 2104

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3.1 Studio Hardware Requirements

Minimum Screen Requirements

In order to fulfill all tasks of an occasional user, CoreMedia recommends the following configuration:

  • Desktop monitor: 1920x1080 pixels screen resolution, 24" screen diagonal

  • Notebooks: 1280x800 pixels screen resolution, 13-15" screen diagonal

Recommended Screen Requirements

For a comfortable and ergonomic work experience, CoreMedia recommends the following configuration:

  • 2560x1440 pixels screen resolution, 27" screen diagonal

Further Requirements
  • CoreMedia Studio has no demanding requirements for the graphics card

  • A standard CPU with >2GHz clock speed. Higher clock speed and cache size should be superior to multi-cores.

  • Memory: 8GB minimum, 16GB recommended

  • Browser: CoreMedia experience shows that Chrome and Internet Explorer/Edge have the fastest JavaScript engines for Studio

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