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Studio User Manual / Version 2104

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2.4.3 Projects

Projects are a lightweight way to collaborate with your colleagues and to manage your content. With a mouse click you create a new project and add a description and due date (1), invite colleagues to the project (2), add content via drag and drop (4) and create to-dos with due dates for the project. The calendar (3) gives you an overview over the due dates of your project. All members of a project have the same rights. So everyone can, for example, add new members, remove members or create to-Dos.

Project tab in Studio

Figure 2.18. Project tab in Studio

In the Control Room is a tab My Projects in which you find all projects of which you are a member. From here, you can start workflows for the content of a project.

Your projects in the Control Room

Figure 2.19. Your projects in the Control Room

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