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Studio User Manual / Version 2104

Table Of Contents Creating Styles for Teaser Overlays

The list of teaser overlay styles shown in the Style dropdown box is aggregated from styles found in /Settings/Options/Settings/Teaser Styles and <SiteName>/Options/Settings/Teaser Styles. A teaser overlay style is configured in a CMSetting document.

In order to define your own style, proceed as follows:

  1. Global style: Create a content item of type CMSetting in /Settings/Options/Settings/Teaser Styles.

    Site specific style: Create a content item of type CMSetting in <SiteName>/Options/Settings/Teaser Styles.

  2. Define the appearance of the style in the dropdown box with the following properties:

Property Type Description
title String The title to show in the "Style" combo box on the teaser form.
description String The description to show in the "Style" combo box on the teaser form.
style Struct Contains the technical styles.

Table 4.22. Configurable properties for a teaser overlay style

  1. Define the appearance of the overlay on the teaser with the following properties:

Sub-Property Type Description
color String Contains the value of a CSS color property to be used as the color of the overlay.
backgroundColor String Contains the value of a CSS color property to be used as the background color of the overlay.
additionalStyles String Contains plain CSS styles to be attached to the style property of the overlay.
cls String Contains one or more CSS class names to be attached to the overlay.
textCls String Contains one or more CSS class names to be attached to the text element of the overlay containing the contents of the Teaser Text field. Predefined CSS classes are "cm-richtext--dark-shadow" and "cm-richtext--light-shadow" which can be used to improve legibility for the overlays on some backgrounds by adding a dark or light text shadow.
ctaCls String Contains one or more CSS class names to be attached to the call-to-action button element. Only applies if you have added a call-to-action button (see Section, “Setting a Call-to-action Button” for details).

Table 4.23. Configurable properties for the 'style' sub struct

Figure 4.80, “ Example style definition ” shows the configuration of the default style.

Example style definition

Figure 4.80.  Example style definition

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