Studio User Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsThis section describes the content types that are part of CoreMedia Blueprint. Table 9.1, “Content types of CoreMedia Blueprint” shows all content types that you can use.
Content Type | Aim | Description |
360°-View | Content |
A |
Analytics Event List | Analytics |
Shows the top-N contents based on the "Event Categorie" and "Event Action" for the given "Analytics Provider". You can also define the "Time Range" and "Max Length". |
Analytics Page List | Analytics |
Shows the top-N contents based on the "Content Type" and "Base Channel" for the given "Analytics Provider". You can also define the "Time Range" and "Max Length". |
Article | Content |
In an |
Audio | Content |
In an |
Augmented Page | Commerce |
You can use an |
Augmented Category | Commerce |
You can use an |
Category | Corporate Catalog | A Category creates a hierarchy for products. |
Collection | Content |
A |
CSS | Layout |
A |
Customer Persona | Personalization |
A |
Document Asset | Asset Management |
A |
Download | Content |
A |
Dynamic Elastic Social List | Elastic Social | |
Email Template | Elastic Social |
An |
e-Marketing Spot | HCL Commerce |
You can use an |
External Link | Content |
An |
Folder Properties | Navigation |
Gallery | Content |
A |
HTML Fragment | Content | |
Image Map | Content |
An |
Interactive | Content |
An |
JavaScript | Layout |
A |
Layout Variant | Content |
A |
Location | Taxonomy |
A |
Page | Layout/Content |
A |
Person | Content |
A |
Personalized Content | Personalization |
Personalized Search | Personalization |
Picture | Content |
A |
Picture Asset | Asset Management |
A |
Product | Corporate Catalog | A Product contains information about products of your company. You can order
products in categories using the Category type. |
Product List | Commerce |
You can use a |
Product Teaser | Commerce |
A |
Query List | Layout/Content |
A |
Settings | Layout |
A |
Site Indicator | Navigation |
A |
Sitemap | Navigation |
A |
Symbol | Layout | |
Tag | Taxonomy |
A |
Teaser | Content |
A |
Technical Image | Layout |
A |
Template Set | Layout | Is used to upload an archive with FreeMarker templates. This way, you can use new templates without restarting the CAE. |
Customer Segment | Personalization |
A |
Video | Content |
A |
Video Asset | Asset Management |
A |
Table 9.1. Content types of CoreMedia Blueprint