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Release Notes / Version 11.2310

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CoreMedia Studio Client

CoreMedia CKEditor plugins updated to 15.0.1

The CoreMedia CKEditor Plugins have been updated from 14.1.1 to 15.0.1.

Follow Section, “CoreMedia CKEditor plugins updated to 15.0.1” for upgrade information.


Upgraded pnpm to 8.1.0

All packages in studio-client now require at least pnpm 8.1.0.

Follow Section, “Upgraded pnpm to 8.1.0” for upgrade information.


Studio Client Thumbnail Resolving Mechanism Deprecated In Favor of New Studio Server Mechanism

On the Studio Client side, the ThumbnailService and the EditorContext allow to register ThumbnailResolvers. This mechanism has been deprecated. It has been replaced by a new mechanism for resolving default pictures for entities (content items, commerce items, projects, workflows, etc.) on the Studio Server. This new mechanism is customizable on different levels. For details, see the Studio developer reference documentation under "Thumbnails" > "Default Pictures".

Follow Section, “Studio Client Thumbnail Resolving Mechanism Deprecated In Favor of New Studio Server Mechanism” for upgrade information.


Third-Party Update: Upgraded Node.js to 18 LTS

Since October 2022 the new LTS of Node.js is v18. All workspaces were adjusted accordingly.


CoreMedia CKEditor 5 Plugins Updated

The CKEditor 5 Plugins provided by CoreMedia have been updated to 14.1.1.

This release addresses an issue that may occur while editing links within CKEditor 5: Having a link like:

<a xlink:href="" xlink:show="new">Link</a>

you may end up with mouse interaction or cursor movement, having a trailing (or leading) corrupted link like:

<a xlink:href="" xlink:show="new">Link</a><a xlink:href="" xlink:show="new"></a>

An update is recommended, as well as updating ckeditorDefault.ts to incorporate the required configuration (details below).


The new release ships with a new plugin LinkAttributes, that allows to register attributes as "belonging to a link". Having this, such attributes share the same behavior as the "href" attribute, for example, like: Removed when "unlink" is invoked, share so-called two-step-caret-movement at the beginning and end of a link (decides, if newly typed text still belongs to the link or shall not be part of the link) and aligned focus management on mouse-click at end or beginning of link, which assumes to be "outside" of the link.

As part of this update, attributes that previously may have caused "links without or empty href" by the actions described above have been registered to be valid only in context of links. This applies to:

  • xlink:type: a fixed attribute, registered by the Rich Text Plugin.

  • xlink:actuate: represented as data-xlink-actuate in data view and editing view. Configured in ckeditorDefault.ts (see Upgrade Information below)

  • xlink:title represented as title in data view and editing view. Configured in ckeditorDefault.ts (see Upgrade Information below)

Follow Section, “CoreMedia CKEditor 5 Plugins Updated” for upgrade information.


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