

Release Notes / Version 11.2310
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Third-Party Update: gRPC and Protobuf-Java Dependencies

The dependencies for the commerce adapter connections have been updated to their latest versions fix known vulnerabilities:

  • gRPC dependencies: 1.49.2

  • Protobuf-Java: 3.21.7


Third-Party Update: FasterXML Jackson Dependencies

The FasterXML Jackson dependencies have been updated to version 2.13.4 to fix a known vulnerability.


Content UUID Migration Includes Folders

Previously, tools for content UUID migration (content-uuid-export, generate-content-uuid-map, and content-uuid-import) would not transfer UUIDs for folders. With the update, folder IDs are now included, too. UUID export data created with the current version of content-uuid-export should not be used with older versions of the mapping and import tools, though.


Bugfix: Content UUID Migration Tooling Fails on Missing UUIDs

Content UUID migration tool content-uuid-export failed, if any of the export contents did not have a UUID assigned yet. This is fixed by creating new UUIDs on-the-fly during export for those contents that are missing a UUID and storing these newly created UUIDs in the Content Management Server database. Log output of content-uuid-export reports the number of generated UUIDs, should this happen during export. Generating a lot of missing UUIDs, however, can slow down export severely.


ImageCropSizeValidator Reads Image Dimensions from Properties

The ImageCropSizeValidator now uses the "width" and "height" properties of the validated CMPicture document to determine the image dimensions. Image dimensions are needed to compute the default crop dimensions when crop information in the "localSettings" struct of the content is missing. These properties are set by the PictureUploadInterceptor when uploading an image via Studio.

In the Studio Server, the validator falls back to compute image dimensions from the blob data, if "width" and "height" properties are not set in the CMPicture document. For issue indexing in the Content Feeder, the validator will not read image dimensions from blob data. If image dimensions are needed for validation but not available in the "width" and "height" properties, then no ImageCropSizeValidator issues will be indexed for that document. The documents with missing dimensions are logged on DEBUG level.

The reason for this change is a performance optimization as previously the Content Feeder had to load the picture's binary data to compute image dimensions for every CMPicture document and every time content issues when were updated in the search index.

Whether to compute missing dimensions from blob data can be configured with ImageCropSizeValidator#setComputeImageDimensions(boolean).


Third-Party Update: Postgresql

Updated the postgresql driver to 42.4.1 to benefit from latest security bugfixes.


Derive Site Robustness: Handle Links to Destroyed Contents

While links to destroyed contents should be prevented, actions such as Derive Site should be robust to handle them.

Derive Site has been hardened accordingly, which means:

  • links to destroyed contents are kept as is (and should be fixed afterwards)

  • links to destroyed master contents are rewritten as expected to the new master content


Documentation on How to Derive a Site

Deriving a new localized site in Studio can lead to several issues when content of the master site is not managed carefully. A new section Multi-Site Challenges | Deriving a Site in the Multi-Site Manual gives recommendations on how to perform the task in order to achieve best results.


New ServerExport Option to Export Files in Lowercase

Use option --lowercase to store the exported content using lowercase filenames. This option can be helpful to mitigate problems with non-case-sensitive file systems. The paths are kept unique by appending a hash to the stored file name. The converted path will not affect the reimport of the exported files.


The Content Feeder Now Also Feeds String Lists And Considers Nested Structs

StructFeedablePopulator has been extended to also feed all keys, strings and string lists in nested structs or struct lists. Of course it is necessary that the respective content is re-indexed before these properties are searchable.


Cleaned up

The property repository.url and its helper property in have been superfluous ever since and have now been deleted.


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