

Release Notes / Version 11.2310
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The CoreMedia CKEditor Plugins have been updated from 10.5.0 to 11.0.0.

This includes a new data processing with improved API.

For more information, see

Upgrade Note

If you provided custom rules in version 10 and before of CoreMedia CKEditor 5 Plugins, you have to add a compatibility flag to the configuration, to still support the old configuration mode:

"coremedia:richtext": {
  // Trigger old configuration parsing
  compatibility: "v10",
  rules: {
    elements: {
      mark: replaceByElementAndClassBackAndForth("mark", "span", "mark"),

Note, though, that the most recent adaptations to data-processing provide a more flexible and more secure way to map from data to data view and vice versa. It also supports adaptations to rules invoked from plugins and has a better performance than the old data-processing.

To change to the new data-processing configuration, the example above would look like this:

"coremedia:richtext": {
  // "latest" is the default, so you may skip it.
  compatibility: "latest",
  rules: [
      viewLocalName: "mark",
      dataLocalName: "span",
      dataReservedClass: "mark",


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