

Release Notes / Version 11.2310
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Directory permissions and ownership corrected for management-tools image

With this release, the management-tools image directory ownership for some directories will be fixed and set correctly to coremedia:coremedia. Affected directories are:

  • /coremedia

  • /coremedia/tools

In addition the following directories have been made volumes and are precreated so the tools can actually write to it, even when they are anonymous volumes.

  • coremedia/export

  • coremedia/import


Enhanced Robustness in Translation Workflows (Pre-Processing Stage)

When translation workflows create contents in derived target sites, they may stumble across issues while doing so. Previously, this may have left created targets checked out by the artificial user translation-workflow-robot.

The processing in this pre-processing stage of the translation (and synchronization) workflow has been enhanced, so that at best effort, contents should not be left checked out by the artificial user.

Corresponding exceptions are still forwarded and will escalate the translation workflow. They should not be ignored, but investigated, as the intermediate content state may now be corrupted.


cm cleanversions: Respect Versions Being in Translation

Prior to this fix, cm cleanversions may have removed versions of a master content which are referenced from an active translation or synchronization workflow. This may cause those workflows to escalate.

Now, cm cleanversions respects these so-called Merge Versions, which are those versions of a master content, which are just about to be translated into some derived content.

An update is strongly recommended, if you regularly use cm cleanversions with rather strict limits regarding -keep-days for example.


Start Translation Workflow Validation: May Report "No content to translate."

When trying to start a translation workflow in CoreMedia Studio, it may report No content to translate. although contents have been selected.

This may happen, when you added contents from different sites or when you added a content which is not within a site.

This behavior is fixed now, and you will instead see the expected violation issues, such as:

  • There is a content item that does not belong to a site.

  • There are content items that belong to different sites.


Third-Party Update : Netty

Netty has been updated to version 4.1.72.Final to avoid security vulnerabilities of the previous version.


Improve Robustness and Error Messages for Translation Workflow Rollback

Translation Workflows are now more robust against errors during Rollback and generate more helpful log messages.


Updated documentation of extensions and their dependencies

The section "Extensions and Their Dependencies" of the Blueprint manual has been updated. Before, the extension es-alx was listed in a wrong context.


Third-Party Update: NGINX

The NGINX docker image that is used with CMCC has been updated to 1.21.5-alpine to avoid security issues of the previous version.


Third-Party Update: JDOM2

JDOM2 has been updated to version to avoid a reported security vulnerability of the previous version (CVE-2021-33813).


Fixed Content Feeder for slow content queries

Fixed a bug in the Content Feeder that caused delayed index updates and blocked JMX calls, when it executed a long-running content query for less important changes that should be processed in the background.


"Force" Option for workflowconverter

As an alternative to -c, you can now use -f in order to enforce conversion of process definitions. This is useful, if an LDAP group, which is used as role in a process definition, accidentally vanishes, reappears and gets a new CAP ID in the contentserver. The workflowconverter checks only for class incompatibilities but does not detect invalid group ids, and thus would not convert the workflow without the force option.


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