

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Since pnpm 9 the usage of the workspace protocol is the default configuration in pnpm workspaces (see - new default “false” for link-workspace-packages). While CMCC 2406.0.0 already uses pnpm 9 the releases did arrive too shortly after each other to fully adapt the studio-client workspace to this change. That’s why we enabled linking of workspace packages again via an .npmrc.

For this release we changed our dependencies and tooling around the dependencies (like the extensions mechanism) to support and utilize the workspace protocol. For this all dependencies to packages within the studio-client workspace have been adjusted in their corresponding package.json.


If you have any customizations to dependencies of existing packages or have added new packages, please make sure that you utilize the workspace protocol as well. This means that in the package.json of the corresponding packages all entries inside “dependencies”, “devDependencies” or “peerDependencies” need to be adjusted if they reference another package inside the workspace from “1.0.0-SNAPSHOT” (default version in the blueprint workspace, might be different) to “workspace:*”.

Important: Please do not change dependencies referencing released artifacts starting with “@coremedia/” or any third party vendor.

Changes to provided publish task

In case you do not release any npm package from within the studio-client workspace, you can skip this section.

With this change we also adjusted the provided publish task and configuration to no longer utilize “@jangaroo/publish” but the default “pnpm publish”. This means that the dependencies to “@jangaroo/publish” inside the “devDependencies” section of every package have been removed.

In addition to this we also removed the “publish” script for every package where it was no longer necessary.

Before the change we prevented using “pnpm publish” by adding making the packages “private” via the corresponding entry in their package.json. This has been removed as well.

Finally, the publish-task provided inside Dockerfile.tasks has been adjusted accordingly.


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