

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Fix bug in InterceptorsStudioAutoConfiguration#settingsUploadInterceptors

A bug in settingsUploadInterceptor where the content type on the interceptor was falsely set to CMArticle has been resolved. The content type for the interceptor is CMDownload again.


ConfigurableDeadLinkValidator is configurable now

The ConfigurableDeadLinkValidator (that validates dead links to deleted or destroyed documents) is configurable now. The excludedProperties config prop configurable-dead-link-validator.excluded-properties can be used to exclude properties from validation. The single validator operates on type Document and excludes by default the "placement" property.


Fixed CommerceContentTypesPictureResolver for empty URLs

Fixed CommerceContentTypesPictureResolver so that Optional.empty() is returned for empty commerce URLs.


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