

Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
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Switched to pnpm workspace protocol

Since pnpm 9 the usage of the workspace protocol is the default configuration in pnpm workspaces (see - new default “false” for link-workspace-packages). While CMCC 2406.0.0 already uses pnpm 9 the releases did arrive too shortly after each other to fully adapt the studio-client workspace to this change. That’s why we enabled linking of workspace packages again via an .npmrc.

Follow Section, “Switched to pnpm workspace protocol” for upgrade information.


Removed usages of jangaroo-net and corresponding URI class

As the title says we removed the usage of jangaroo-net and its corresponding URI class in the studio-client to streamline the API and get rid of obsolete dependencies.

Follow Section, “Removed usages of jangaroo-net and corresponding URI class” for upgrade information.


Moved preview related entities to cap-rest-client

Preview related entities have been moved from the packages "@coremedia/studio-client.client-core" and "@coremedia/studio-client.client-core-impl" to "@coremedia/studio-client.cap-rest-client" and "@coremedia/studio-client.cap-rest-client-impl".

Follow Section, “Moved preview related entities to cap-rest-client” for upgrade information.


studio-client container is now read-only

The studio-client container is now read-only in the docker compose setup. The following volumes were added for the nginx and plugin setup:

  • /usr/share/nginx

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d

  • /var/cache/nginx

  • /var/run


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