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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2406.1

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5.6.3 Deriving Sites

A predefined workflow exists to derive an entire site from an existing site. The derive-site workflow cannot be adapted and is available as a built-in workflow from the module translate-workflow. To upload the derive-site workflow, use cm upload -n /com/coremedia/translate/workflow/derive-site.xml on the command line.

Typically, the derive site workflow is started as a background process from the sites window of CoreMedia Studio. The workflow can be started by all members of the translation manager group, as configured in the property translationManagerRole of the SiteModel (see Section “Site Model”). After changing this property, you have to upload the workflow again, because uploading persists the current property value.


Translation Workflow Robot

Actions performed while deriving a new site are performed as translation-workflow-robot. As last step when deriving a site, this user will assign possibly missing rights to the chosen site-managers-groups. This requires supervise permissions to the /Sites folder.

For details see Groups and Rights Administration for Localized Content Management.

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