

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
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The CoreMedia Content Cloud workspace contains a complete CoreMedia system with all the core components and optional modules which have to be licensed separately. See Section 2.1, “Components and Architecture” for an overview of all components. Before you start with development, remove all modules that you do not need.

Name Description Removal
CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization

Module for the work with personalized content and personas.

See Section, “Removing the Adaptive Personalization Extension”
CoreMedia Elastic Social

Module for the work with external users and user generated content, such as ratings or comments.

See Section, “Removing the Elastic Social Extension”
Advanced Asset Management

Module for the work with assets, such as images or documents.

See Section, “Removing the Advanced Asset Management Extensions”
eCommerce Blueprint

Blueprint for the integration with an eCommerce system.

See Section, “Removing the eCommerce Blueprint”
Brand Blueprint

Blueprint for a brand website with responsive templates.

See Section, “Removing the Brand Blueprint”
Analytics Connectors

Module for the integration of connectors to thirdparty analytics providers.

See Section, “Removing the Analytics Connectors Extension”

Table 4.2. Optional modules and blueprints

Section, “Extensions and Their Dependencies” lists all extensions and their mutual dependencies.

As described in Section 4.1.5, “Project Extensions” the CoreMedia Blueprint workspace provides an easy way to enable or disable existing extensions in one place. This chapter shows you how to disable and remove extensions from the Blueprint.

The command is always the same, only the list of extension names differs depending on the feature to remove. There are two different commands to deactivate an extension:

Removes the dependencies from applications to any extension modules, but keeps the modules in the Maven aggregator(s) in a profile named inactive-extensions.
Removes the dependencies from applications to any extension modules, but keeps the modules in the Maven aggregator(s) in a profile named inactive-extensions.

All commands in the following sections use disable, which can be replaced by remove according to your needs. All mvn commands have to be executed in directory workspace-configuration/extensions.

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