

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
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What do you get?

When you are finished with all steps, you will have built the CoreMedia Blueprint Workspace and the required Docker images for all CoreMedia applications.

Step 1: Getting a Login for CoreMedia


You have a login to the CoreMedia software download page, the contributions GitHub repository, the documentation and the CoreMedia artifact repository.


  1. Ask your project manager for your company's account details or contact the CoreMedia support. Keep in mind, that you have to ask explicitly for the access rights to the CoreMedia GitHub contributions repository. See CoreMedia's website for the contact information of the support at


Go to and and enter your credentials. You should be able to use the online documentation and see the contributions repository.

Step 2: Getting License Files for the CoreMedia System


You have licenses for the CoreMedia system.


Ask your project manager, your key account manager or your partner manager for the CoreMedia licenses.


You have a Zip file that contains three zipped license files. In Section 3.2.2, “Docker Compose Setup” you will learn where to put the license files.

Further Reading

Step 3: Checking the Hardware Requirements


You are sure, that your computer meets the hardware requirements as described in Section 3.1, “Prerequisites”.

Step 4: Checking and Installing all Required Third-Party Software


All required third-party software (such as Java, Git, Maven, ...) is installed on your computer and has the right version.


  1. Open the supported environments document at and check that you have installed the right version of Java and that you have the right OS. The JAVA_HOME variable must be set.

  2. Check that a supported Maven version is installed (see

  3. Check that a supported container environment is installed on your computer (see See Section, “Docker Installation” for installation instructions.

Further reading

Step 5: Cloning the Workspace


You have the CoreMedia Blueprint workspace on your hard disk.


  1. Make sure that you have access to If you encounter a 404 error, then you are probably not logged in at GitHub or you do not have sufficient permissions yet.

  2. When you use a Windows system, make sure that the Git configuration parameter core.autocrlf is set to "input". Otherwise, some init files will not run properly in your test machine. Because on checkout, Git would change the line endings to Windows style.

  3. On your local machine, clone the repository into a directory blueprint using Git:



    Path length limitation in Windows

    The CoreMedia Blueprint workspace contains long paths and deeply nested folders. If you install the CoreMedia Blueprint workspace in a Windows environment, keep the installation path shorter than 25 characters. Otherwise, unzipping the workspace might fail or might lead to missing files due to the 260 bytes path limit of Windows.

    git clone blueprint
  4. In the cloned repository, get a list of all tags:

    git tag
  5. Create your working branch from the tag you want to use as your starting point:

    git checkout -b <yourBranchName> <tagName>


The Git clone command has succeeded.

Further reading

Step 6: Getting the blob Demo Content

The textual content and the themes are already part of the workspace you have cloned before. However, to keep the workspace small, the blob content is supplied in a separate file.


The workspace contains the blob files of the CoreMedia demo content (videos, images, ...).


  1. Open the releases site and click the link to the current release.

  2. Click the "content-blobs archive" link on the site and download the file.

  3. Extract the archive into the workspace you have cloned in step 5.

Step 7: Configuring the Repository Settings and Check Maven/NPM Configuration


Your Maven settings.xml file contains the settings required to connect with the CoreMedia Nexus repository.

The PNPM client is logged in into


  1. Follow the steps described in Section 3.1, “Prerequisites”.


When you build the workspace, all artifacts and packages are found.

Step 8: Building the Workspace with Maven


The workspace has been build, so that most of the artifacts and Docker images are built. The build takes some time. On an Intel i7 processor with 16GB RAM around 20 minutes.

If you want to build images for ARM processors, you need to pass the property -Dapplication.image-arch=arm64 to the Maven build.


In the main directory of the workspace call:

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdefault-image


The Maven build ends with message "Build successful".

Further reading

Step 9: Building the Studio Client with pnpm


The Studio Client has been build, so that you can start the Docker container.


  1. Switch into the Studio Client directory:

    cd workspace/apps/studio-client
  2. Build the Studio Client:

    pnpm install
    pnpm -r run build
    pnpm -r run package
  3. Build the Docker image:

    docker buildx build . --tag coremedia/studio-client:latest

For more detailed instructions and possible build options consult apps/studio-client/README.adoc.

Step 10: Building the Frontend


The frontend has been build, so that you can use the themes and bricks.


  1. Switch in the frontend directory with:

    cd workspace/frontend
  2. Build the frontend parts with:

    pnpm install
    pnpm run build
    pnpm run build-frontend-zip

For more detailed instructions and possible build options consult frontend/README.adoc.

Now, you have build the Blueprint workspace and the Docker images. Continue with Section 3.2.2, “Docker Compose Setup” in order to configure and start the Docker deployment.

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