

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
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With the theme importer you can import themes into the content repository. It is the command line equivalent of uploading themes in Studio as described in the Frontend Developer Manual.

usage: cm import-themes -u <user> [other options] [-f <folder>] [-c] [-dm]
          <> ...

available options:

 -?,--help                   Print usage information and quit.
 -c,--clean                  Delete existing theme before import in order
                             to get rid of obsolete code resources.
 -d,--domain <domain name>   domain for login (default=<builtin>)
 -dm,--development-mode      Development mode.  Creates a user (frontend
                             developer) specific copy of the theme.
 -f,--folder <arg>           Folder within CoreMedia where themes are
                             stored. Default is /Themes
 -p,--password <password>    password for login; you will be prompted for
                             password if not given
 -u,--user <user name>       user for login (required)
 -url,--url <ior url>        url to connect to


Example 5.6. Usage of import-themes

The options have the following meaning:

Parameter Description

Delete existing theme before import in order to get rid of obsolete code resources.

This option is only intended for the development workflow. It does not delete published themes.

-dm Development mode. Creates a user (frontend developer) specific copy of the theme.
-f Folder within CoreMedia where themes are stored. Default is /Themes

Table 5.18. Options of the import-themes tool

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