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Studio User Manual / Version 2412.0

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Editing To-Dos

An important part of projects are to-dos. In the project tab, you can work with to-dos. This involves the following:

  • Creating to-dos

  • Adding a description

  • Adding editors

  • Adding due date

  • Marking the to-do as finished

Creating a To-Do

Simply click the [Create To-Do] button in the To-Do section of the Project tab.

A new to-do appears and the focus is on the description field. Start writing a description.

New to-do

Figure 4.154. New to-do

Adding a User

Select the to-do and click . Select the user from the list. The user gets a notification that you have assigned a to-do.

Selecting a user

Figure 4.155. Selecting a user

Adding a Due Date

Select the to-do and click the icon. Select a date from the date picker. The due date is shown in the to-do field and highlighted in the calendar of the project. If the due date lies after the due date of the project, you will see a warning.

Calendar of a project

Figure 4.156. Calendar of a project

Colors mark different to-dos:

  • The light frame highlights the current date

  • The blue circle highlights open to-do due dates. When more than one to-do has the same due date, the circle will be blue, as long as at least one of these to-dos is not completed.

  • The gray circle highlights done to-dos

  • The red circle highlights overdue to-dos

  • The white circle highlights the due date of the whole project

Marking To-Do as Completed

Check the checkbox of the to-do to mark the to-do as completed.

Completed to-do

Figure 4.157. Completed to-do

The to-do is grayed out and the circle with the due date of the to-do in the calendar is also gray.

Rearranging To-Dos

You can change the order of to-dos. To do so, hover over the to-do and then drag the to-do with the handle in the left bar to the new position.

Dragging to-dos

Figure 4.158. Dragging to-dos

Filtering To-Dos

You can limit the shown to-dos to a given date. To do so, click on the according date on the calendar of the project. The circle of the selected date is inverted to mark the selected date. In the filtered view, you can neither create new to-dos nor rearrange the to-dos.

Filtered to-dos

Figure 4.159. Filtered to-dos

In order to show all to-dos again, click the [Show All To-Dos] link in the Calendar of the project.

Deleting a To-do

Click the x icon at the right side of the to-do in order to delete the to-do.

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