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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Core

Class "TransformationService" Cleaned Up

Class TransformationService has been refactored to delegate image transformations to a new method in TransformImageService. As a consequence, obsoleted references to BlobTransformer and NamedTransformBeanBlobTransformer have been removed. TransformationService's constructor as well as the corresponding Spring bean configuration in TransformationServiceConfiguration have been adjusted accordingly.


New Method to Transform Image by "Image Transformation String" Directly

A new method transformWithDimensions(Content content, String property, String operations):Optional<Blob> was added to interface TransformImageService and its implementing class. With this new method, an image transformation can be requested via an Image Transformation String directly (see ).

Follow Section, “New Method to Transform Image by "Image Transformation String" Directly” for upgrade information.


Unified API: ContentRepository.createContentBuilder() Available

A new way of creating contents within the Unified API is available:

Follow Section, “Unified API: ContentRepository.createContentBuilder() Available” for upgrade information.


Runlevel Health Indicator Signals Wrong State in Runlevel MAINTENANCE

When the Content Server is switched to runlevel MAINTENANCE either during startup or manually, the health/runlevel endpoint signals the server is UP. This makes it impossible to use the indicator for a readiness probe in Kubernetes, because the pod will be added to the services endpoint too early and UAPI clients that listen on a services availability would fail during the creation of the repository connection.

Follow Section, “Runlevel Health Indicator Signals Wrong State in Runlevel MAINTENANCE” for upgrade information.


Changed SitesService Setup in cmd Tools

The sitesService bean is injected from commandline-tools-context.xml now instead of being registered programmatically. Now obsolete methods registerSitesService and hasSingletonBeanOfType in com.coremedia.cmdline.SpringHelper have been removed.


Changed User Manager Search

The user manager does not load all users or group on initialization anymore. Instead an empty state panel is shown and a load is only triggered when more than n characters are inputted into the search field. The amount of characters can be configured via the Spring property studio.usermanager.minSearchCharacters and defaults to '3'. The previous behavior can be restored by setting the property to '0'.


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